Tina Fey better watch her back because there's a new rival for her Sarah Palin impersonation...she's a doll, literally.
The Sarah Palin cabbage patch doll is going to be auctioned off for charity on eBay's website. There's one thing wrong with this doll and I can't belive no one thought of it. It doesn't talk. There should be some Palinisms. Pull Sarah's string and you can hear such gems as "My record is out there", "Alaska is all over the map right now", "Gosh darn it", "Darn tootin'", "We're taking the high road", "You can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska", and some bonus ones like, "John McCain is my MAVERICK", "We need a change, not more of the same" (irony, anyone?), "I'd like to use one of my lifelines." Imagine the fun she'd be at a party.
Barack Obama, John McCain and Joe Biden have also been made into cabbage patch dolls. The proceeds will benefit the US Marine Corps' Toys for Tots foundation.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I can't see Russia but I can see the ocean from this house.

No, Gosh darn it this isn't the home of a terrorist or political hater. Instead it's a West Hollywood home who has decided to cross the line of tastelessness in the name of free speech. A dummy Sarah Palin (as opposed to the real dummy) is hanging in effigy while an angry looking John McCain burns in the chimney on the roof. Although I think it looks a bit more like Nixon than McCain. Officials have determined that no laws are being broken (except for the "white trash" law) although Secret Service officials did visit the house for fear that the owners were a threat to the Presidential and VP nominees. The city received dozens and dozens of calls from people all around the country complaining about the "decorations". No word on whether any of those calls were from Alaska.
Bringing the tricks & treats back
For the town of Oil City, PA, this Halloween will be the first festive one in a long time. Sixteen years ago an 11-year-old girl was abducted and murdered and that began a long dry spell for trick or treating after dark. Yes, it was banned.
The only way this was going to be overturned was by the will of a child and that's exactly what happened. Fifth-grader Elizabeth Ross got all the necessary signatures, essayed her argument and spent an (exhausting, I'm sure) entire two months trying to get City Council to bring back nighttime trick or treating. Well, it worked. (However, I would like to know how involved her parents were in the City Council part).
Yes, some people are still skittish and will be taking extra precautions to protect their children; including tethering them (perfectly safe, I assure you). There will also be extra policemen out (a whole 7 instead of 4), extra security guards and some crossing guards too because if all else fails you can always use the huge STOP sign as a weapon to deter criminals.
Seriously, though, I do hope the town of Oil City has a blast tomorrow night and that no one takes the fun out of the "poor man's Christmas."
The only way this was going to be overturned was by the will of a child and that's exactly what happened. Fifth-grader Elizabeth Ross got all the necessary signatures, essayed her argument and spent an (exhausting, I'm sure) entire two months trying to get City Council to bring back nighttime trick or treating. Well, it worked. (However, I would like to know how involved her parents were in the City Council part).
Yes, some people are still skittish and will be taking extra precautions to protect their children; including tethering them (perfectly safe, I assure you). There will also be extra policemen out (a whole 7 instead of 4), extra security guards and some crossing guards too because if all else fails you can always use the huge STOP sign as a weapon to deter criminals.
Seriously, though, I do hope the town of Oil City has a blast tomorrow night and that no one takes the fun out of the "poor man's Christmas."
Saturday, October 18, 2008
weekly post from October 17, 2008
Hello friends and loved ones,
The smell of autumn is permeating the air outside and the leaves are dropping from the trees fast and furiously. Even though I've been somewhat out of commission for the last week and a half, thanks to bronchitis and pneumonia, it's great to be alive and to be able to breathe.
This email was inspired by a brief conversation I particiapted in at church and as I was formulating how to begin and what to say, a song came on that I really like. A song, I might add, by a rapper I had brought up in the aforementioned conversation. The song is called "Lose Yourself" and I lost myself in it as I blasted as high as it would go without the bass starting to shake, rattle and roll the car.
If you're not familiar with the song, it's ok because you might be familiar with the artist: Eminem. Yes, I listen to the occasional rap song and, yes, I like Eminem's music. We hang out with friends and family everyday and think we know them like the back of our hands and then BOOM! we discover something we never would have guessed; such as Paul likes Eminem's music.
Now don't get me wrong, I don't like some of the things Eminem has said and done in the past but I can separate the two and realize that despite his messy personal life he is still a talented songwriter and has crafted some great tunes.
Just as we don't really have a rhyme or reason as to who we choose to love, I also believe that each person likes different things (even the most shocking) for different reasons. Would I let my kids listen to Eminem? Not a chance! At least not until they are 18.
Some other things I like: Fish (just about any kind), Survivor, Akon, country music, singing in the car, Newsweek magazine, silver as opposed to gold, Keith Olbermann, documentaries and a good bottle of Pinot Noir.
So, as you're going along this weekend and the coming days; don't be ashamed of what you like. You are you and nobody else. Therefore, enjoy what you like with pride. And remember it doesn't make you a bad person if you listen to rap...it might be a different story if you start taking some of the words to heart, however.
Next week: Falling out of love? Fact or Myth?
Until then pray for each other as I pray for you.
Stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy.
The smell of autumn is permeating the air outside and the leaves are dropping from the trees fast and furiously. Even though I've been somewhat out of commission for the last week and a half, thanks to bronchitis and pneumonia, it's great to be alive and to be able to breathe.
This email was inspired by a brief conversation I particiapted in at church and as I was formulating how to begin and what to say, a song came on that I really like. A song, I might add, by a rapper I had brought up in the aforementioned conversation. The song is called "Lose Yourself" and I lost myself in it as I blasted as high as it would go without the bass starting to shake, rattle and roll the car.
If you're not familiar with the song, it's ok because you might be familiar with the artist: Eminem. Yes, I listen to the occasional rap song and, yes, I like Eminem's music. We hang out with friends and family everyday and think we know them like the back of our hands and then BOOM! we discover something we never would have guessed; such as Paul likes Eminem's music.
Now don't get me wrong, I don't like some of the things Eminem has said and done in the past but I can separate the two and realize that despite his messy personal life he is still a talented songwriter and has crafted some great tunes.
Just as we don't really have a rhyme or reason as to who we choose to love, I also believe that each person likes different things (even the most shocking) for different reasons. Would I let my kids listen to Eminem? Not a chance! At least not until they are 18.
Some other things I like: Fish (just about any kind), Survivor, Akon, country music, singing in the car, Newsweek magazine, silver as opposed to gold, Keith Olbermann, documentaries and a good bottle of Pinot Noir.
So, as you're going along this weekend and the coming days; don't be ashamed of what you like. You are you and nobody else. Therefore, enjoy what you like with pride. And remember it doesn't make you a bad person if you listen to rap...it might be a different story if you start taking some of the words to heart, however.
Next week: Falling out of love? Fact or Myth?
Until then pray for each other as I pray for you.
Stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
weekly post from October 5, 2008
Hello friends & loved ones:
This is not the email I had planned to write but when the spirit calls, one should listen (or face the consequences).
I will get this out of the way first: This is the time of year that I begin to get excited because the new tv season has started (From late Sept. to May I am a tv junkie; look out if one of my shows is on) and it's also the time of year when the movies that will be nominated for major Academy Awards begin to be released. I enjoy the mad dash to see them all before the big show. But as excited as I am during this time of year, I'm also hit with a sadness of sorts. I'm a giver/doer/helper and it's hard when I meet someone or love someone who does not appreciate that or takes that for granted or does not know how to give back fully. Thanks to my Pastor I've learned to enjoy life to its fullest and I even wake up cheerful now which is something I NEVER used to do. I give with all my heart; live passionately; revel in laughter; seek the fun that each day has to offer and try to squash negativity at every turn. It's not easy (at least not for me but I did learn from a master at it). It's very liberating and even when everything is going wrong, as long as I look at the irony and oddity of life I know I'll be smiling and realizing that everything is going to be alright.
It's great to be alive and it's even better to give your love to someone. The hard part comes when that love is not appreciated or when that love is not readily accepted. One has to realize that not everyone is suited to be together and sometimes one person is just not ready to be loved or share their love. It might just not be the right time. It's difficult and also a life lesson. It helps to grow us and make us better people.
I feel like I'm rambling so I'm going to wrap it up; but I will leave you with this. Realize your gifts/talents/assets and use them 100%. Don't become discouraged if you come up against someone who does not appreciate what you have to offer. Instead pledge to strengthen your resolve and sharpen those gifts so that the next person you meet (one who will surely appreciate what you have to offer) will certainly be damned thankful they met you.
Continue to pray for each other as I pray for you.
Until next time: Stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy.
This is not the email I had planned to write but when the spirit calls, one should listen (or face the consequences).
I will get this out of the way first: This is the time of year that I begin to get excited because the new tv season has started (From late Sept. to May I am a tv junkie; look out if one of my shows is on) and it's also the time of year when the movies that will be nominated for major Academy Awards begin to be released. I enjoy the mad dash to see them all before the big show. But as excited as I am during this time of year, I'm also hit with a sadness of sorts. I'm a giver/doer/helper and it's hard when I meet someone or love someone who does not appreciate that or takes that for granted or does not know how to give back fully. Thanks to my Pastor I've learned to enjoy life to its fullest and I even wake up cheerful now which is something I NEVER used to do. I give with all my heart; live passionately; revel in laughter; seek the fun that each day has to offer and try to squash negativity at every turn. It's not easy (at least not for me but I did learn from a master at it). It's very liberating and even when everything is going wrong, as long as I look at the irony and oddity of life I know I'll be smiling and realizing that everything is going to be alright.
It's great to be alive and it's even better to give your love to someone. The hard part comes when that love is not appreciated or when that love is not readily accepted. One has to realize that not everyone is suited to be together and sometimes one person is just not ready to be loved or share their love. It might just not be the right time. It's difficult and also a life lesson. It helps to grow us and make us better people.
I feel like I'm rambling so I'm going to wrap it up; but I will leave you with this. Realize your gifts/talents/assets and use them 100%. Don't become discouraged if you come up against someone who does not appreciate what you have to offer. Instead pledge to strengthen your resolve and sharpen those gifts so that the next person you meet (one who will surely appreciate what you have to offer) will certainly be damned thankful they met you.
Continue to pray for each other as I pray for you.
Until next time: Stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy.
Friday, October 03, 2008
weekly post from September 26, 2008
Hello my friends & loved ones:
I'm sitting here in my office (thankfully I still have one, especially after last week's bombshell at the company) on my lunch break with the beautiful September sun shining at my back while the music pounds in my ears and I'm thinking how grateful I am for so many people and things. And that started the idea to write about this week's topic: Enjoying life.
It sounds so simple, I know but so many people go through life with no enjoyment. I'm not saying that we should all aspire to be Mary Poppins 24-hours a day; no one can do that, although it is possible to come close. What I'm talking about is enjoying the people, pleasures and daily activities that life brings our way each and every day. This includes being thankful, truly thankful for the loved ones and friends we have been blessed with. I will admit that I'm not the best at always staying in touch but I do try to do my best everyday. I can also appreciate the many beautiful things that surround me each day and find joy and laughter in just about everything. It's not an easy task if one is not used to doing it but it can be done and once you get in the habit, it becomes easier and you'll find you get more out of life. It is true what they say, 'Laughter is good for the soul.' I think that's what's wrong with so many people; they don't laugh (or smile) enough. Yes, life can be difficult and people can truly suck sometimes, however, it's what you make of this life that counts. What matters is how you treat others, the good you do, how passionately you love, the joy you try to bring to others, the smiles you share with those who aren't smiling, the truth you strive for, the honesty you strive for each day, the positive attitude you allow to permeate your soul and the laughter you elicit from others. The importance of each of the above are what should be stressed each day.
As I sit here, continuing to write and share these thoughts with you I'm thinking of how good it feels to be back sharing myself and letting each of you into my heart, mind and soul. It can be difficult to share and open up to someone, especially if the other person won't or can't do the same. It becomes troubling when someone you love doesn't share in your daily enthusiasm, passion and love. Where does one go from there? How much does one try to break through to someone before giving up? These are the thoughts I have roaming through my head on this cool, sunny and crisp September day.
Wherever you are today, I hope that you are praying for each other as I pray for each of you (even if you don't think you are a blip on my radar; I know who I'm writing to).
Stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy.
I'm sitting here in my office (thankfully I still have one, especially after last week's bombshell at the company) on my lunch break with the beautiful September sun shining at my back while the music pounds in my ears and I'm thinking how grateful I am for so many people and things. And that started the idea to write about this week's topic: Enjoying life.
It sounds so simple, I know but so many people go through life with no enjoyment. I'm not saying that we should all aspire to be Mary Poppins 24-hours a day; no one can do that, although it is possible to come close. What I'm talking about is enjoying the people, pleasures and daily activities that life brings our way each and every day. This includes being thankful, truly thankful for the loved ones and friends we have been blessed with. I will admit that I'm not the best at always staying in touch but I do try to do my best everyday. I can also appreciate the many beautiful things that surround me each day and find joy and laughter in just about everything. It's not an easy task if one is not used to doing it but it can be done and once you get in the habit, it becomes easier and you'll find you get more out of life. It is true what they say, 'Laughter is good for the soul.' I think that's what's wrong with so many people; they don't laugh (or smile) enough. Yes, life can be difficult and people can truly suck sometimes, however, it's what you make of this life that counts. What matters is how you treat others, the good you do, how passionately you love, the joy you try to bring to others, the smiles you share with those who aren't smiling, the truth you strive for, the honesty you strive for each day, the positive attitude you allow to permeate your soul and the laughter you elicit from others. The importance of each of the above are what should be stressed each day.
As I sit here, continuing to write and share these thoughts with you I'm thinking of how good it feels to be back sharing myself and letting each of you into my heart, mind and soul. It can be difficult to share and open up to someone, especially if the other person won't or can't do the same. It becomes troubling when someone you love doesn't share in your daily enthusiasm, passion and love. Where does one go from there? How much does one try to break through to someone before giving up? These are the thoughts I have roaming through my head on this cool, sunny and crisp September day.
Wherever you are today, I hope that you are praying for each other as I pray for each of you (even if you don't think you are a blip on my radar; I know who I'm writing to).
Stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy.
fact checking
I like these...the day after the debates the real truths come out.
Click on the link to find out the real deal.
Click on the link to find out the real deal.
VP voices
So, who really won the VP debate that aired last night? Does it really matter? Yes and no. No, because we're not technically voting for the VP and yes because I believe that the answers and attitudes of the VPs can have some effect on the running mate.
Between Sarah "gosh darn" Palin and Joe "bridge to nowhere" Biden I believe that Biden had the edge and took the debate. Palin, however, didn't do too badly except when she kept dodging McCain's healthcare plan. Also she was blinking too much and what was with the bangs in her eyes? Did she think she was back in high school? And, I'm sorry, but all I could see whenever I looked at her was the portrayal of her by Tina Fey. While we're on the subject of looks-has Biden had some sort of plastic surgery? His eyes seem funny.
Anyway, the two discussed Iraq, the economy, taxes and even touched on same-sex marriage. The Republican party must have been sighing with relief as soon as the debate concluded, especially after the recent embarrassing interviews Palin has had which have called into question her readiness for the high office. FYI: She's not ready!!!!! And one other thing: Palin made an odd comment when she shook hands with Biden. Her remark, "Nice to meet you...Hey, can I call you Joe?" Well, that is his name. What would you want to call him, ass? (Ass is in reference to the Democratic symbol of the donkey....oh, you got it, ok.)
The only thing that would have made this debate better is if it had been Hillary in Biden's spot. Now THAT would have been riveting television. Can you imagine the viewership? Two strong women; one smart, one eh, so so, both clashing on the important issues. It would have been akin to Crystal and Alexis on Dynasty. Wow!!!
The second Presidential debate is next week and I'll be watching. Maybe McCain will actually "talk" to Obama this time...or not.
Between Sarah "gosh darn" Palin and Joe "bridge to nowhere" Biden I believe that Biden had the edge and took the debate. Palin, however, didn't do too badly except when she kept dodging McCain's healthcare plan. Also she was blinking too much and what was with the bangs in her eyes? Did she think she was back in high school? And, I'm sorry, but all I could see whenever I looked at her was the portrayal of her by Tina Fey. While we're on the subject of looks-has Biden had some sort of plastic surgery? His eyes seem funny.
Anyway, the two discussed Iraq, the economy, taxes and even touched on same-sex marriage. The Republican party must have been sighing with relief as soon as the debate concluded, especially after the recent embarrassing interviews Palin has had which have called into question her readiness for the high office. FYI: She's not ready!!!!! And one other thing: Palin made an odd comment when she shook hands with Biden. Her remark, "Nice to meet you...Hey, can I call you Joe?" Well, that is his name. What would you want to call him, ass? (Ass is in reference to the Democratic symbol of the donkey....oh, you got it, ok.)
The only thing that would have made this debate better is if it had been Hillary in Biden's spot. Now THAT would have been riveting television. Can you imagine the viewership? Two strong women; one smart, one eh, so so, both clashing on the important issues. It would have been akin to Crystal and Alexis on Dynasty. Wow!!!
The second Presidential debate is next week and I'll be watching. Maybe McCain will actually "talk" to Obama this time...or not.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
link to video clip
Ellen's excellent emphasis...Enjoy.
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