Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Top 10 of 2009
Taking Woodstock-Ang Lee's comedy-drama about the small town of Bethel, New York, and what happens when one town council member gets it in his head to have the biggest concert ever right in the town's backyard. Based on Elliot Tiber's and Tom Monte's memoir.
The Cove-Renowned dolphin trainer and activist Ric O'Barry details his trials in trying to stop the killing of thousands of dolphins in Taiji, Japan. The film also boasts a "cameo" by Hayden Panittiere.
Carriers-Brothers Alex & David Pastor directed this suspenseful thriller about a viral pandemic and the two brothers and their girlfriends who are trying to make it to the coast and not get infected along the way.
Food, Inc.-Just exactly what are we eating? What are the living conditions of the animals that eventually become the food we buy at the grocery store? This dramatic and shocking documentary should have you rethinking how you shop for your food.
The Hangover-What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas but only if you can remember the night before. The four characters in this film have a hell of a time trying to put the pieces together of a bachelor party that they've already forgotten. The tiger, the satchel, the chicken, the missing tooth and just who's baby is that. This film is one of the most uproarious of the year.
Sherlock Holmes-Robert Downey, Jr & Jude Law make a great team in this comedy-drama that paints the famed detective as an incorrigible lush (probably the only criticism I have with this film) but Downey, Jr. pulls it off. And that Rachel McAdams looks lovelier than ever.
Avatar-James Cameron's vivid, exciting and way overpriced sci-fi film hits all the timely themes in what I am hoping wins the Academy Award for Best Picture.
The Informant!-Matt Damon stars in this dark comedy based on real events. Damon plays a whistleblower who blurs the line between fact and fiction and then butchers it as he piles story after story in his attempt at notoriety.
The Hurt Locker-Hopefully this war thriller will make the long list of Best Picture nominees. Shot in the Middle East, it follows a group of men who defuse bombs and the tension that mounts as a result of the harrowing job.
Zombieland-A ragtag group of survivors of a zombie apocalypse come together and fight to stay alive in this comedy which features one of the best (if not the best) cameos of the year.
Hope to see you at the movies in 2010!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Movie minute...DVD
Two teenage girls meet a random guy and follow him back to his hotel room (mistake #1) for some grade A weed (mistake #2, actually going inside). What turns into an innocent afternoon becomes a nightmare when three murderers show up; one of them being the father of the random guy. After the two girls are killed, the foursome show up on the doorstep of Emma & John Collingwood, parents of Mari Collingwood, one of the girls who was murdered.
There are several great twists in this updated version; one of them being that John is a doctor, another one being the cat and mouse chases between the Collingwoods and the bad guys. I won't tell the other twists but I will say it's been a long long time since I've seen a remake I actually thought was superior to the original. Don't get me wrong, the original was typical of the type of slasher movies that were coming out in the 70's but this was has not only been updated but improved. The leads still make some stupid moves and there are a few implausibilities, however, there is still plenty of blood spilling, nail-biting scenes and the final death scene is both gross and freakish and perhaps a little, dare I say, interesting and definitely torturous.
This is definitely a renter, unless you are just not into thriller/killer movies. If you are, the 2009 version of The Last House On The Left should not disappoint.
Bags of popcorn (out of 5): 4.25
Monday, August 17, 2009
movie minute
The relationship between George and Ira is an interesting one but one that really could have been even more fleshed out. As Ira becomes more and more confident, it seems as if George becomes more and more unstable; hard to do especially considering he appears unstable from the get-go.
The film also stars Leslie Mann (wife of Judd Apatow) as George's ex-fiancee, Eric Bana (as the lucky husband) and Jonah Hill & Jason Schwartzman as Ira's roommates.
The first half of the film is a mess and rarely funny or even comical (incluing the stand-up bits) but the second half shows surprising vigor but it's still not all that funny. It's a sad state of affairs when James Taylor has the best line in the movie. After Ira asks James if he ever tires of singing the same songs over and over, James responds, "Do you ever get tired of talking about your penis?" A good question for a comedian, which is a profession in which one sometimes does the same routine ad nauseum.
Sandler has never fared the best in his dramatic roles (Punch Drunk Love, Reign Over Me) and this film is no exception; he's much more adept when he is loose and going for the comedy.
The film could have been so much better and while it's not Apatow's best "comedy", more like a DRAmedy, it is entertaining and Mann has by far the best role. There are also several neat cameos; in addition to Taylor there are also brief appearances by Andy Dick, Paul Reiser, Ray Romano and Eminem.
This is more a DVD movie, although it's easier to fall asleep at home.
Bags of popcorn (out of 5): 2
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Oh, the horror!!!
Apparently the sludge soldiers were none other than the Clintons (emit collective gasp here). Yes, it's common practice to use sludge which is just the use of sewage for fertilizer but now she'll have a heck of a time explaining to dignitaries just what that goop is on the tomatoes.
P-U, oh, you smell good?
All I can say is that perfume must have been laced with garlic.
Sand Swiper
Let this be a warning to those with the little glass jars who want to take a little piece of paradise home with them...DON'T!
Chit Chattin' the night away...
Both parties are guilty of overreacting and not listening to each other. This is a situation that got completely out of hand because two people were both trying to prove something...that they were each right. By the way, the original 911 call made no mention of race, something else that is of significance here.
Of course, there is something else that can be learned-if your door becomes jammed when you are trying to unlock it, maybe it's time for a new door. And there's still no word on whether there were free refills at the "beer summit."
Friday, July 10, 2009
Frowning Flag
Vito Congine Jr. is considering legal action for violating his first amendment rights. He flew the flag upside down because he was distressed after spending almost $200,000 to buy and remodel a downtown building for an Italian supper club and being denied a liquor license. Oh, so, this is all about not being able to drink???? Apparently the other people in town thought that Congine meant disrespect (TEETOTALERS!!!!!!).
Hello, can't we all just get along? I will say this, however, what a PERFECT day to fly the flag upside down!!!!
Hey, why stop at the Village People? Why not Wolverine or Spock peeps? How about peeps dressed as Britney Spears? Oooh, Simon Cowell peeps. Now that's one peep a number of people would love to take a bite out of!
A new visitor at the peak
The Salmon of Sperm
Too bad it couldn't be true those sperm could be getting some gold medals right now.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Like a THRILLER with a bizarre and unsatisfying ending. People all around the world are saying to him and his music that I JUST CAN'T STOP LOVING YOU.
He was a man WITH A CHILD'S HEART who just wanted to be HAPPY.
He was OFF THE WALL and implored us to DON'T STOP 'TIL YOU GET ENOUGH.
And as I look at the reflection of myself, my own MAN IN THE MIRROR, I know he had his eccentricities and imperfections but realize it should not take away from the fact that this man whose music and passion made him a force of HUMAN NATURE. And now his spirit is GONE TOO SOON. I can REMEMBER THE TIME when he transcended the notion of BLACK OR WHITE and I still hear his music as he tried to JAM(med) with a LIBERIAN GIRL and SCREAM(ed) about his CHILDHOOD. Very well do I recall the famed white glove and that incredible moonwalk as he sang about how he was going to HEAL THE WORLD and telling people YOU ARE NOT ALONE because WE ARE (part of) THE WORLD. As I grew up, his music was just ANOTHER PART OF ME, a soundtrack to my life. And now, though his spirit was taken like a SMOOTH CRIMINAL in the night, now Michael as you EASE ON DOWN THE ROAD towards the light, may you realize you'll always have ONE MORE CHANCE to get it right as your music lives on forever. And for those haters...I SAY SAY SAY what? I'll tell ya to BEAT IT because I do WANNA BE STARTIN' SOMETHIN' wit you. He may have been weird but his music is timeless. So, GIRLFRIEND, just LEAVE ME ALONE as I crank up DIRTY DIANA, hear about BILLIE JEAN and her kid yet again and pay no mind that SOMEBODY'S WATCHING ME shake my booty. The King of Pop is gone and though there AIN'T NO SUNSHINE today, it IS A BRAND NEW DAY. We know Michael it's true when you say I'LL BE THERE. You have GOT TO BE THERE! WILL YOU BE THERE tomorrow. Yes, your music will be and it will be just the MUSIC AND ME-GET IT? Good then put BEN down, shake the BUTTERFLIES out and go get some BLOOD ON THE DANCE FLOOR.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Your Face Here
Beauty-1, Brains-0
Monday, May 11, 2009
Oh my bloody hell....
Sunday, May 10, 2009
movie minute
As the film opens, George Kirk is the captain of the S.S. Kelvin which is on a disastrous course with a Romulan ship led by Nero (Eric Bana).
Fast forward a bit and we see you Kirk (hotheaded and oozing self confidence) and Spock (intellectual little devil that he is) and the childhood they both experienced that until now we weren't privy to.
The movie is an exciting, special effects laden thrill of a ride. It has all of the famous characters (Sulu, Uhura, Chekhov, Scotty, McCoy, Kirk, Spock) and how they all came together to fly the Starship Enterprise.
The cast of the movie is impeccably chosen; especially Zachary Quinto as Spock. Tyler Perry (Medea himself) even shows up as Admiral Richard Barnett.
The only flaw this movie has is the whole time travel, time space continuum which involves the return of an original Trekkie. I kind of understood it but thought it was a bit indulgent. It's a theme that Abrams is quite fond of (hello, Lost!!!).
Having said that I thought Abrams did a kick-ass job of reigniting the moribund series and deserves a kudos for being true to the series as we've seen it so far. One thought, however, did Amanda Grayson (Spock's mother) really die? If so, then how did the original TV series bring her back from the dead? Yes, that was Winona Ryder playing Spock's mother, by the way. Perhaps she could be one of the featured stories in the next Star Trek movie, directed by Abrams of course.
I have never been a big fan of Star Trek but I did truly enjoy this movie. I give it 3 bags of popcorn (out of 5).
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Friday, May 08, 2009
weekly post from May 8, 2009
As I sit and write this it's a rainy, slightly chilly and gloomy day. Having said that, we should be rejoicing in the fact taht it is Spring and Summer is practically right around the corner. I like to think of Spring as the time when God's world wakes again after a long sleep and dances in beauty and laughter.
I know that this is going to be very difficult for many to fathom but there was a time not too long ago when I would wake up and immediately shift into task mode (or business mode as I heard it called). Instead of reveling in the beauty and sounds of the morning and praising that I was alive for another day, I would quickly take on the stress and business of the day. After a time, I did learn how to wake up each morning with laughter and playfulness.
It seems, however, that I have recently lost that. It really hit me this morning as I sat in the car on the way to work and realized I had yet to crack a smile; how sad that was. How is it that we let the daily grind of life get to us before we've even gotten out of bed or had that first cup of coffee or greeted the first person of the day? Where is our sense of playfulness at 5 in the morning? I know, I know, you may be thinking, 'How can ANYONE laught at 5am when it's barely even light out? I used to ask the same question but it's really easier than you might think. It's a mindset, it's the determination and choice to NOT be serious or gloomy or so task oriented. It's similar to the belief that happiness comes from within (it does). Yes, there are things we need to think about and get done but it's vital for us to remain young at heart. If we don't we begin to lose our enjoyment of life.
As you enter your weekend (when most of us sleep in or delight in the fact that we don't have to work for two days), I challenge you to start the new week with a smile on your face and laughter in your heart as you awake from your Sunday slumber. It can be fun and downright infectious. Besides studies have shown that laughing is good for us and beneficial to life.
Next week-Prayer. Does it really work or is it just a waste of energy?
Stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy....and LAUGH OFTEN! If the flowers and animals can do it, we can too.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
weekly post from May 1, 2009
Happy May!
I've been thinking a lot this week about my life, how I choose to live it and the choices I make. If I'm not hurting anyone or committing any crime or being destructive in my behaviors, then why would someone else be bothered or uncomfortable or offended by the way I DO live? Why would someone shun me or pass judgment on me? I'll bet Jesus asked himself that question a lot while he was performing miracles, calling people out for hurting others. He did not let those negative and hateful people stop him from preaching about truth, love, acceptance and inclusion.It's the same way with us-as long as we are living our lives in God, being truthful to ourselves and others and not hurting those we love, we're living God-like lives. The hard part is keeping the hatred out of our own hearts and remembering that even though there are people who judge us, we should continue to pray for them and not harbor any ill will.This weekend and in the coming weeks, rise above the fear and negativity of those that try to beat you down and live a life you can be proud of. Someone else's discomfort represents ignorance, fear and intolerance-the opposite of what Jesus stood for.
Have a great weekend and stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy.
Friday, May 01, 2009
Parroting Actions
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Life imitates Art
Passengers for the other flights were diverted to other flights and the plane was fumigated...The 6-inch snakes which can grow up to three feet were never found. (Sniff, sniff)...I smell a sequel....
Thursday Funnies
A Sunday school teacher asked, 'Johnny, do you think Noah did a
lot of fishing when he was on the Ark ?' 'No,'replied Johnny. 'How
could he, with just two worms.'
A Sunday school teacher said to her children, 'We have been
Learning how powerful kings and queens were in Bible times. But,
there is a Higher Power. Can anybody tell me what it is?'!
One child blurted out, 'Aces!'
Nine-year-old Joey was asked by his mother what he had learned
in Sunday School.'Well, Mom, our teacher told us how God sent Moses
behind enemy lines on a rescue mission to lead the Israelites out of
Egypt. When he got to the Red Sea, he had his army build a pontoon
bridge and all the people walked across safely.
Then he radioed headquarters for reinforcements. They sent bombers
to blow up the bridge and all the Israelites were saved.'
'Now, Joey, is that really what your teacher taught you?' his Mother asked.
'Well, no, Mom. But, if I told it the way the teacher did, you'd
never believe it!'
A Sunday School teacher decided to have her young class memorize
one of the most quoted passages in the Bible - Psalm 23. She gave
the youngsters a month to learn the chapter.
Little Rick was excited about the task - but he just couldn't
remember the Psalm. After much practice, he could barely get past
the first line.
On the day that the kids were scheduled to recite Psalm 23 in
front of the congregation, Ricky was so nervous. When it was his turn,
he stepped up to the microphone and said proudly,
'The Lord is my Shepherd, and that's all I need to know.'
The preacher's 5 year-old daughter noticed that her father
always paused and bowed his head for a moment before starting his
sermon. One day, she asked him why.
'Well, Honey,' he began, proud that his daughter was so
observant of his messages. 'I'm asking the Lord to help me preach a
good sermon.'
'So, how come He doesn't?' she asked.
The Sunday School teacher was describing how Lot's wife looked
back and turned into a pillar of salt, when little Jason interrupted,
'My Mommy looked back once while she was driving,' he announced
triumphantly, 'and she turned into a telephone pole!'
A Sunday school teacher was telling her class the story of the
Good Samaritan. She asked the class, 'If you saw a person lying on
the roadside, all wounded and bleeding, what would you do?'
A thoughtful little girl broke the hushed silence,'I think I'd throw up.'
A Rabbi said to a precocious six-year-old boy, 'So your mother says
your prayers for you each night? That's very commendable. What does
she say?'
The little boy replied, 'Thank God he's in bed!'
During the minister's prayer one Sunday, there was a loud
whistle from one of the back pews. Tommy's mother was horrified. She
pinched him into silence and, after church, asked, 'Tommy, whatever
made you do such a thing?'
Tommy answered soberly, 'I asked God to teach me to whistle, and He did!'
A pastor asked a little boy if he said his prayers every night.
'Yes, sir.' the boy replied.
'And, do you always say them in the morning, too?' the pastor
asked. No sir,' the boy replied. 'I ain't scared in the daytime.'
When my daughter, Kelli, said her bedtime prayers, she would
bless every family member, every friend, and every animal (current and
For several weeks, after we had finished the nightly prayer,
Kelli would say, 'All girls.'
This soon became part of her nightly routine, to include this
closing. My curiosity got the best of me and I asked her, 'Kelli, why
do you always add the part about all girls?'
Her response, 'Because everybody always finish their prayers by saying
'All Men'!'
Little Johnny and his family were having Sunday dinner at his
Grandmother's house. Everyone was seated around the table as the
food was being served. When Little Johnny received his plate, he
started eating right away.
'Johnny! Please wait until we say our prayer.' said his mother.
'I don't need to,' the boy replied.
'Of course, you do.' his mother insisted. 'We always say a
prayer before eating at our house.'
'That's at our house.' Johnny explained. 'But this is Grandma's
house and she knows how to cook!'
DVD of the week
Eight years ago, Alex Beck's wife was murdered but the body was never found. Alex was the only suspect and yet there was no proof he committed the murder. Suddenly, new evidence surfaces that points to him murdering two other people and it's only a matter of time before evidence that he murdered his wife will surface. He also receives a strange video email-one of his wife on camera looking right at him. What?
The twists and turns fit together nicely and the camera work is almost flawless. The movie also stars Kristin Scott Thomas who I personally would watch read the phone book for two hours; she plays Alex's "sister-in-law" and she plays a lesbian!
I won't tell you if there a happy ending or not (remember, it is a French film, they are notorious for their vague/somewhat depressing endings) but I will tell you it's one heck of a ride.
Bags of popcorn (out of 5): 4
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
A lesson from the older folks
Now comes his female counterpart. Just recently, Susan Boyle (who is certainly no Edie from Desperate Housewives) sang I Dreamed A Dream. Yes, she actually breezed her way through this showstopper from Les Miserables. Below are both Paul and Susan. They could teach the yungins from American Idol a few things. It's always a good sign when even Simon Cowell is surprised.
By the way, Susan makes reference to Elaine Page who is a British singer and actress. She's been heard in Chess, been on Broadway in Chess and Sunset Boulevard and in The Drowsy Chaperone in the West End.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
fun videos
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My March Madness Message
It's great to be alive. Life is beautiful and should never be taken for granted or thrown away. I'm writing this with the tragic accident of Natasha Richardson fresh in my mind. She was an extremely talented and beautiful, Tony award winning actress who was sadly never nominated for an Academy award. I heard about her fall while skiing and then heard the news she was in a hospital in NY. I was away from a computer for a few hours on Wednesday and then when I went online and saw that she had passed, I was shocked. It is just one more piece of evidence that life is fleeting and should be appreciated and lived fully each day.
Natasha will be missed! Prayers and heartfelt wishes to her family.
Friday, March 13, 2009

Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Absurd, huh? Well then you'll really think this is bizarre. A woman in Fort Pierce, Florida, dialed 911 three times on Feb. 28 when McDonald's ran out of chicken McNuggets. The woman ordered a 10-piece and, when the restaurant ran out, she become upset. They offered to give her a McDouble but she was having none of that. To add to the insult, the restaurant refused to give the woman a refund because it isn't their policy to do so. After calling 911 three times, an officer was finally sent down. The woman was charged for misusing 911.
A similar incident happened in early February when a man called 911 after a Burger King in Boynton Beach stopped serving lemonade. You just can't enjoy a chicken combo meal with no lemonade. He was also charged with misusing 911.
I guess that means next time I want a strawberry shake from McDonald's and they tell me the strawberry machine isn't working, but the vanilla one is just fine, I shouldn't call 911 to complain and demand that they send a unit.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Video Of The Day
Monday, March 02, 2009
Hey, I have no hair...the final pic (with hair)

Friday, February 27, 2009
weekly email from February 27, 2009
Until next week (when I'll be bald), stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy.love,paul
Thursday, February 19, 2009
What A Record!
Her marriages include weddings to a preacher, convict, bartenders, homeless men, two gay men and a wife beater. Her first marriage was in 1957 (at just 16-years old) and her last was in 1996 as part of a publicity stunt. The man she married was the most married man in the country, Taylor was his 29th wife. Sadly, he died a few days shy of their one-year anniversary. One man she even married three times and, not to be outdone by Britney Spears, was married to one man for a mere 36 hours, 19 hours less than Britney and Jason Allen Alexander. Her longest marriage-7 years. Guess she took the term 7-year itch to heart.
Taylor, who now uses the surname of Wolfe, says she would get married again. Why not? Go for 30.
Congrats Wolfe for getting into the Book.
DVD of the week
In the documentary, Maher literally travels the world and goes head to head with plenty of ex-Mormons, religious scholars, U.S. senators, gay muslim activists, rabbis and authors to get to the heart of what is religion and why should we even care about it?
Maher, who is half-Jewish and half-Catholic and who has long been anti-religion is sometimes too flippant and simplistic for his own good but he does really make some excellent points and insights; none of which are new by the way but presented in a new way in Maher's inimitable style. He delves into how religion has been passed down through the years, the many faces of religion and how religious people are misinformed, misinterpret the writings of holy books and are often misguided. Another focus of the movie is how religion can be blamed for many of society's ills, which is true in many instances but not all of the ills we see.
I think the funniest and most shocking moment in the film would have to be when Arkansas senator Mark Pryor is sparring with Maher and actually lets slip that one does not need to take an IQ test in order to be a senator. Wow!!!!! So, I wonder, what does that say about him?
In the film Maher is a combination of Michael Moore with his pushiness and arrogance and Bill O'Reilly with his continuous interruption of the people he's interviewing.
Whether you're an atheist, agnostic, fundamentalist or somewhere in-between, this won't offer any new profound insights but will make you think.
DVD of the week
After Melody (played by Saffron Burrows) loses her thankless job, has her heart broken by her boyfriend and told she has cancer and only two months left to live, she does what any self-respecting woman would do: She sequesters herself in a pricey loft and begins spending her money like it's water. One does need the most comfortable bed; have to have that chic lamp; ooh, I need some trendy clothes because I threw the ones on my back out the window. If it sounds weird, it's not. Ok, maybe a little bit but that's just because we don't know this woman yet and we get little pieces of her throughout the film. She's a mystery just like the disease she's diagnosed with.
Burrows is electric. I haven't seen too many of her movies but found myself riveted by her expressions. There's a lot of them as the movie is not talky. Present day Melody is juxtaposed with dreams of young Melody and her fascination with a vintage red guitar. Before long, adult Melody is ordering one of her own. She does meet people while she's secluded in the loft; a pizza delivery girl and the super of the building.
I thought this was an original idea but it was inspired by a true story. I've no knowledge of the story it's based on but it's still definitely worth a watch. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, Melody takes control of her life and rediscovers who she is.
Just for fun
There was a man named Paulie,
Who really liked the word golly.
He went to town one day,
muttering on the way
and came back with some cheap Stoli.
A craving of ice is really nice,
but that wouldn't be my only vice.
And though I wouldn't choose
to drink without my shoes,
I'd like a chance at rolling the dice.
From whence I came I do not know.
To where I go it will not snow.
I am not lost at sea,
nor am I in Jersey.
But my heart is in Mexico.
weekly email from February 20, 2009
Believe it or not, March is looming right around the corner and I'm reminded of the phrase "In like a lion, out like a lamb", and I'm hoping that this year that saying will prove a falsity. March is always unpredictable and has a history of giving us some nasty storms.
I'm betting that the term unpredictable has been on the mind of Hartford, CT resident Charla Nash this week.
In case you haven't heard, Nash was brutally mauled this past week by a friend's 15-year old, 200-lb pet chimpanzee. Travis, who years ago was featured in commercials for Coca-Cola and Old Navy, had escaped the house and Sandra Herold, Travis's owner, called Nash to help get Travis back in.
When Nash arrived, Travis brutally attacked Nash's hands and face. Herold stabbed Travis several times to get him off her friend but to no avail. 911 was called and when police did arrive, several officers also sustained injuries during the course of trying to wrangle Travis. Travis was eventually shot to death.
The belief is that Travis had Lyme disease and was reacting to the medication he was on. His owner tried to calm Travis's agitation earlier in the day with a Xanax in his tea.Travis, who was quite well-known in the neighborhood was quite talented. He could open car doors and ride around like a real person, take his own bath, ate at the table, drank wine from a stemmed glass, controlled the remote while watching television and could even log onto the computer.
Granted, this is what people call a freak accident but one woman's life is probably changed forever and another woman lost her beloved pet. Life is so fragile-as friends and family of passengers on Continental flight 3407 know all too well-and no matter how much planning, preparation or safety measures we put into each day, we really have no idea when we too might be changed forever.
I think there is another lesson to be learned in this story: Don't have a chimpanzee for a pet. Obviously Travis's owner never watched The Jeff Corwin Experience. Yes, they are very bright creatures and can be quite entertaining but that doesn't mean they should be domesticated.
Whatever you do in the days ahead or the coming week-don't forget to savor every moment of life and pray for each other as I pray for each of you. As always, stay safe, stay healthy and stay happy.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Then she released the second single, "Circus" and I thought this song is pretty catchy and not terrible. With lyrics such as, "All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus" she isn't just whistling dixie, she's singing about her chaotic life. Some other notable entries are "Out From Under" which details the pain of lost love and not dwelling on the regrets; "Unusual You" which finds La Spears singing about the unpredictable twists and turns of new love and "MMM Papi" a jaunty ditty in which Spears lets her hair down and plays the damsel in distress. The whole album is decent and proves once again that one should not be discounted just because of their personal trials and tribulations. Spears has never been a great singer but she continues to make good and fun music.
Give it a listen on Amazon.com and then go out and buy the cd.
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Big Day
Soaps are still plugging along and this is a big step in order to keep up with the times and stay fresh. No word yet on just how long the union will last or when they'll get pregnant. Stay tuned...
81st Annual Academy Awards-The Winners Predicted
Best Original Screenplay: All five nominees are terrific choices. Sadly, In Bruges and Frozen River don't stand a chance; Happy Go Lucky did win some critic's awards and Wall-E is an animated film (not a bad thing but it would have been better had it also been up for Best Picture). That leaves Milk.
SHOULD WIN: Frozen River or Happy-Go-Lucky
Best Adapted Screenplay: The only group that should bother showing up for this award is the group from Slumdog Millionaire, though the "Button(s)" could pull a surprise upset.
SHOULD WIN: Slumdog Millionaire
WILL WIN: Slumdog Millionaire
Best Editing: Contrary to popular belief, the award that wins Best Editing does NOT always win Best Pic. Normally I would choose The Dark Knight but it will possibly win Makeup and/or Visual Effects and most certainly win Supporting Actor. With that movie out of the way, it falls to Slumdog.
SHOULD WIN: Slumdog Millionaire
WILL WIN: Slumdog Millionaire
Best Cinematography: It's between Button and Millionaire in this race. While both are deserving, Slumdog has the edge.
SHOULD WIN: Slumdog Millionaire
WILL WIN: Slumdog Millionaire
Best Art Direction: One of the Slumdog-less categories, which leaves another "button" sewn up unless The Duchess pulls a corset out of the air.
SHOULD WIN: The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
WILL WIN: The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Best Original Score: Again, this is Slumdog's to lose. The soundtrack was exciting and buoyant.
SHOULD WIN: Slumdog Millionaire
WILL WIN: Slumdog Millionaire
Best Original Song: I would say that Slumdog Millionaire would win (it has two of three slots) and even though the thinking may be Wall-E should get some more love, Slumdog's ending dance number should dance away with the prize.
SHOULD WIN: "Jai Ho" Slumdog Millionaire
WILL WIN: "Jai Ho" Slumdog Millionaire
Best Costume Design: This one hands down will go to Keira Knightley's film, The Duchess for the extravagant and colorful frocks that bedeck this movie.
SHOULD WIN: The Duchess
WILL WIN: The Duchess
Best Makeup: This is a tough one. The Dark Knight will certainly get a win for Heath Ledger's creepy and fascinating turn as the Joker but might it also get a little more love for the splendid makeup? Possibly, but I'm going to go for the wizardry of Button.
SHOULD WIN: The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
WILL WIN: The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Best Sound Editing/Sound Mixing: This is always a tough category to choose because, really, what goes into choosing the winner of sound mixing? Who knows...I'm going for a split decision.
SHOULD WIN: The Dark Knight (Best Sound Editing & Mixing)
WILL WIN: Slumdog Millionaire (Best Sound Mixing); The Dark Knight (Best Sound Editing)
Best Visual Effects: If Button wasn't up for this award, I'd go for the knight in black.
SHOULD WIN: The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
WILL WIN: The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Best Foreign Language Film: This is between France's The Class and Israel's Waltz With Bashir. Sadly, I haven't seen any of the nominees; I usually have seen at least two. Just for its timeliness and cutting edge animation, Waltz should win but Japan will probably walk away with the prize.
SHOULD WIN: Waltz With Bashir
WILL WIN: Departures
Best Documentary Feature: This race is between a high wire act and the survivors of a hurricane but between the two, the fascinating story of Philippe Petit will rise to the occasion.
WILL WIN: Man On Wire
Best Documentary Short: Another category in which I've seen not one of the nominees so this is a complete guess.
SHOULD WIN: The Witness-From The Balcony Of Room 306
WILL WIN: Smile Pinki
Best Animated Feature: The trash cleaning robot has this one wrapped up.
Best Animated Short: Another pseudo victory for Wall-E? Yes, as Presto, the film that played before Wall-E, will take this prize.
WILL WIN: Presto
Best Live Action Short: Unless the film with the Holocaust theme comes from behind, this one is going to the toys.
SHOULD WIN: Auf der Strecke (On The Line)
WILL WIN: Spielzeugland (Toyland)
Best Actor: The dark horse in this race is Frank Langella's performance as Tricky Dick. Having said that, it's going to be a head to head battle between the gay politician and the washed-up-making-a-valiant-comeback wrestler (and actor). Sean Penn might pull an upset and I (and maybe even more than a few Academy members) can't believe I'm going to say that Mickey Rourke will soon be an Oscar winner.
SHOULD WIN: Frank Langella for Frost/Nixon
WILL WIN: Sean Penn for Milk
Best Supporting Actor: Who deserves this more? Josh Brolin whose turn as Dan White was full of angst and layers or Heath Ledger who wowed audiences with his bold turn as the Joker? Would the answer be different if Ledger were still alive today? Possibly. Everyone thinks Ledger has this sewn up and he well might but I don't think he deserves it the most.
SHOULD WIN: Josh Brolin for Milk
WILL WIN: Heath Ledger for The Dark Knight
Best Actress: One shocking omission was Sally Hawkins for her turn in Happy-Go-Lucky. She won the Golden Globe and several critcs awards. It is great, however, to see Melissa Leo (I think she possibly took the slot that would have normally gone to Hawkins) in this race. Her turn as a mother who turns to transporting illegals across the border between New York state and Quebec was honest, raw and revelatory. Angelina Jolie and Anne Hathway don't stand a chance. I'd say that Streep would win but Winslet's sixth nod will yield her first win.
SHOULD WIN: Melissa Leo for Frozen River
WILL WIN: Kate Winslet for The Reader
Best Supporting Actress: I would really like to see Amy Adams win because she's such an honest actress; her performances are real and full of richness. Viola Davis did do a remarkable job but, really, any actress in that role could have done the same thing. Taraji P. Henson was also amazing but wasn't quite a standout. Marisa-yes-you-can-really-act Tomei better not win this race. She was good in The Wrestler but it was a "wow" performance. That leaves Penelope Cruz who was up for a lead actress Oscar just a few years ago. She's proven that she's beautiful AND can act.
SHOULD WIN: Amy Adams for Doubt
WILL WIN: Penelope Cruz for Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Best Director: Every director in this race is very deserving of the nomination. The race, however, is between the Millionaire and the man who ages backwards. Barring an upset (which wouldn't happen in this category) Danny should have his speech ready.
SHOULD WIN: Danny Boyle for Slumdog Millionaire
WILL WIN: Danny Boyle for Slumdog Millionaire
Best Picture: If an upset is going to happen it will be in this category and will be the biggest since Shakespeare In Love beat out Saving Private Ryan back in 1999. My money's on the Slumdog.
SHOULD WIN: Slumdog Millionaire
WILL WIN: Slumdog Millionaire
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Remake Madness
Enough already! Didn't they learn anything when they remade Psycho? Talk about stinky!!! And the remakes just keep on coming; Star Trek, The Taking Of Pelham 1-2-3 and I'm sure there are plenty others in addition to such classics as Ocean's Eleven, A Christmas Carol, The Longest Yard and Time Machine, to name just a few.
And don't even get me started on the sequels and the movie versions of television shows. Why can't we just have more originality? Is that so much to ask for? I know the saying, 'there are no original ideas' but there are original ways to tell those ideas.
I for one will be enjoying my Friday the 13th (no, I'm not superstitious) away from the movie theater.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Gorgeous Grammys & Gaffes
The same cannot be same for Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift who dueted on the song "15". Frankly, it would have sounded better if just Swift had done the singing. Hannah Montana, oops, I mean Miley wasn't bad but she really should stick to the lower register; it sounded like she was reaching and screeching on the high notes.
One superstar who should not count the Grammys as a high note in her career is Whitney Houston. While presenting the award for Best R&B Album to Jennifer Hudson (and offering praise to Clive Davis) Houston appeared as spacy as ever. Crack, anyone??? Ok, I kid but she did keep pausing and is it just me or was there something wrong with her eyes? Maybe she needs glasses to read the teleprompter or maybe she just needs some sunshine.
Speaking of spacy, Sugarland singer Jennifer Nettles gave Whitney a run for her money when she got up on stage to accept Sugarland's award for Best Country Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals. When she wasn't fawning over Paul McCartney (strategically placed in the front row-the Jack Nicholson of the Grammys if you will) she was tittering nervously. Too much bubbly, perhaps? At least she wasn't doing that nasal thing she does when she sings. Don't get me wrong, I like the group but Jennifer please sing from your diaphragm once in a while.
And the strangeness just kept on coming: When Craig Ferguson wasn't talking about his nomination for "Best sex tape", Kanye West was getting a dig in at the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences about how he never won a Best New Artist Grammy-just before naming the nominees of...Best New Artist.
There were some nice red carpet dresses-Miley Cyrus, Carrie Underwood, Sheryl Crow but what was Carrie wearing during her song "Last Name"? She just looked trashy and the dress looked like it had been ripped. Perhaps during her drinking binge she talks about in the song? And poor Jennifer Hudson...I'm glad she won and decided to actually sing as opposed to lip-synching (National Anthem, anyone?) but her dress was hideous. It looked like she had a jumbo size bib and she was ready for the lobster eating contest. I hope she retires that dress by burning it; it didn't do her justice.
I only watched about two hours of the show before finally giving up and it's a good thing I did because in 3 1/2 hours, they only gave out 10 awards. 10!!!!!! Even the Oscars have 24. That's 8 for each hour, approximately.
Ok, everyone, back to the recording studios for another year of great music. But please, if you plan on pairing up with someone outside of your genre, make it sublime.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
cool video
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Wednesday windbag
It's not a good time to be Down Under because you might find a snake in your toilet or crocs on the road. Continued storms in Sydney have sent the wildlife scurrying for dry land or some sort of safe haven. The poor crocs are being washed into the streets. One 5.25-foot-long croc had to be treated for an eye injury and several broken teeth (aren't broken teeth on a crocodile a good thing?...The less to eat you with). As for the snakes, people have taken to shooing them out the door with brooms. If you live in Australia, try to stay dry and double check the toilet before sitting down!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
weekly post from January 31, 2009
Another week has gone by and tomorrow marks the first day of the second month of the year. Where did January go? And how did I get to the eve of my 36th birthday so quickly? It seems like just yesterday I was celebrating my 30th birthday down in Florida in that Mexican restaurant and I was telling myself this will be the year I go completely outspoken. Well, I've had some failures and missteps along the way but this year has started out with a bang in terms of me laying it on the line and being completely open and honest in all areas of my life.
This is also the year I reconnect with friends I've lost touch with (and keep that connection) and with the church. I am determined to make my 36th year my best one yet. I'm doing new things that stretch my comfort, including shaving my head which will happen on March 1. This will be done to show solidarity with a woman at church going through chemotherapy. I've also got my own youtube video. It was done with the help of a co-worker and since I had never experienced the thrill of talking with a helium voice, she was willing to help me enhance the moment by recording it. I had received the balloon and I wanted to inhale the helium but no one would "play" with me. My co-worker finally relented after we were done working for the day.
Enjoy the video! Below is the link.
Until next week, stay connected and remember to stay happy, stay healthy and stay safe.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Don't look...It's the President
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
what I'm listening to
Anyway, the album I'm currently (yes, right at this very moment) listening to and enjoying is Pink's Funhouse. Her fifth (and possibly most personal) studio album features some rockin' and emotional anthems, downright somber ballads and just about everything in-between. A few of my favorites:
Ave Mary A: Between the toils and troubles all around the world and the fact that hate is prevalent no matter where you go, there must be someone who can help us slow down, take inventory and love. Apparently not! Even Mary left the chaotic and mad world. The title is a play on Ave Maria and, I actually had to look this up, but Ave is Latin for Hail and then Mary, so Hail, Mary. I don't know how to say a Hail Mary because I wasn't raised Catholic but apparently they are useful for redeeming yourself for any sins you may have committed.
Sober: This mid-tempo power ballad describes the struggle between loving yourself without any crutches or leaning on anyone and relying on a vice to help us feel good about ourselves. It's a very personal song and the meaning on Wikipedia is very interesting. Apparently it was written when Pink threw a party and everyone except for her was drunk. She just wanted them to leave and she wondered how she could "feel this good sober."
It's All Your Fault: You meet the perfect man or woman and they call you beautiful but you find yourself wanting to leave and then you're forced to leave. The struggle that we sometimes put ourselves through instead of just being happy.
The whole album is really good and deserves a listen. Even if you've never heard Pink a lot of the songs are mainstream enough for even the fussiest listener.
Whatever you're listening to, enjoy.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Announcing the contenders
Yes, the nominees for the 81st Annual Academy Awards were announced the morning of January 22, incidentally the day Heath Ledger was found dead one year ago, and there were some surprises and disappointments including by me. I did not make at least 37 correct guesses, which was my goal. Out of 40 nominees, I only correctly guessed 36.
I did terribly in the best actress and original screenplay category. Herewith, the nominees broken down.
Best Picture & Director: All five in both categories actually match up and with The Dark Knight and Revolutionary Road (Hollywood movies both) both mysteriously shut out of both races, chances are it will come down to the old man who ages backwards and the young man who goes all the way on Millionaire. Slumdog Millionaire and The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button will undoubtedly be duking it out. Another shut-out, Revolutionary Road and a surprise sneak in by The Reader.
Adapted & Original Screenplay: Clint Eastwood's tour-de-force Gran Torino was completely shut out of the major races. No real surprises in the Adapted category but In Bruges and Frozen River made it into the Original category and deservedly so.
Actor: No love for Clint Eastwood for his performance as a bigoted Korean War Vet. Nor was Leonardo DiCaprio named for his role as part of a couple who suffer marital discord in the 50's. Surprise name: Richard Jenkins in The Visitor. This film came out pretty early on in the year and the fact that he is one of the 5 proves that the tide is beginning to turn in the Academy. Young blood is evident with the announcement of his name.
Supporting Actor: My guess is it will be between Heath Ledger and Robert Downey, Jr. although people are placing their bets on Ledger becoming only the second person to posthumously be awarded an Oscar. Surprise name: Michael Shannon for Revolutionary Road.
Actress: A lot of shut-outs here, including Sally Hawkins for Happy-Go-Lucky (she won a number of critics awards AND the Golden Globe), Kate Winslet for Revolutionary Road (she instead got a lead actress, as opposed to supporting actress for The Reader...she won both awards at the Globes) and Kristin Scott Thomas for I've Loved You So Long. Another home-run for this British actress. Surprise name: Melissa Leo for Frozen River. Who? Exactly. I saw the film and she did a good job and the film was very well done but it's almost shocking that she got named because any other year she would not have even been a serious contender. This is more proof that the tide in the Academy is slowly turning.
Supporting Actress: No real big surprises except Taraji P. Henson finally got a nomination (she should have been nominated several years ago for her role in Hustle & Flow). As long as Marisa Tomei (as talented as she is) doesn't win this category AGAIN, I don't care who wins.
Below: The major nominees and in parantheses the total number of times they've been nominated, including this time around and how many times they've previously won).
David Fincher-The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button (1st nom)
Ron Howard-Frost/Nixon (2nd nom, 1 win)
Gus Van Sant-Milk (2nd nom)
Stephen Daldry-The Reader (3rd nom)
Danny Boyle-Slumdog Millionaire (1st nom)
Richard Jenkins-The Visitor (1st nom)
Frank Langella-Frost/Nixon (1st nom)
Sean Penn-Milk (5th nom, 1 win)
Brad Pitt-The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button (2nd nom)
Mickey Rourke-The Wrestler (1st nom)
Supporting Actor:
Josh Brolin-Milk (1st nom)
Robert Downey, Jr.-Tropic Thunder (2nd nom)
Philip Seymour Hoffman-Doubt (3rd nom)
Heath Ledger-The Dark Knight (2nd nom)
Michael Shannon-Revolutionary Road (1st nom)
Anne Hathaway-Rachel Getting Married (1st nom)
Angelina Jolie-Changeling (2nd nom, 1 win)
Melissa Leo-Frozen River (1st nom)
Meryl Streep-Doubt (15th nom, 2 wins)
Kate Winslet-The Reader (6th nom)
Supporting Actress:
Amy Adams-Doubt (2nd nom)
Penelope Cruz-Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2nd nom)
Viola Davis-Doubt (1st nom)
Taraji P. Henson-The Curious Case Of Benjamn Button (1st nom)
Marisa Tomei-The Wrestler (3rd nom, 1 win)
The awards will be handed out on Sunday, February 22 and I'll be making my picks as to who I thnk will win.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Historical Day
Oath as written in the Constitution: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Click on the link below for a transcript and video of the awkward moment.
weekly email from January 17, 2009
It's a deep freeze here and just about everywhere else around the country. It's so cold that you can use a bammer to build things (check out my blog).
2009 is shaping up to be quite a different year from 2008 and it's all good. It's truly a new day. As the country prepares to celebrate a remarkable precedent-the swearing in of the 44th President who just happens to be the first African-American President of the U.S.-it seems the whole country is feeling they are on the brink of a new era in many ways.
For me, this is the year that I go completely outside of my comfort zone in my entire life. Looking back at 2008, I realize I've made many mistakes; some of which I may never be able to make up for and I am going to strive to NOT make those same mistakes again; this year or any year. I can see how far I've come in a number of areas of my life and some areas in which I regressed and really need to focus on getting better at. It's sometimes distressing to think we're going along just fine, really growing and being a better person and then we backtrack...OUCH! It's all part of the learning process that we all go through, it's not something we need to dwell on we just need to make an effort to be stronger and more vigilant in our determination to be the best we can be. Listen at that, I sound like an advertisement for the armed forces.
Wherever you are in your life, I pray you have the fortitude to follow through with your goals for yourself...everyday.
As for me, I'm so far measuring up to the bar I've set and even surprising myself along the way.
Each of you continues to be in my prayers.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Naming the Nominees
Best Adapted Screenplay:
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire
Best Original Screenplay:
Frozen River
Gran Torino
Best Supporting Actor:
Michael Shannon-Revolutionary Road
Heath Ledger-The Dark Knight
Josh Brolin-Milk
Philip Seymour Hoffman-Doubt
Robert Downey, Jr-Tropic Thunder
(upset-James Franco for Milk)
Best Supporting Actress:
Penelope Cruz-Vicki Cristina Barcelona
Viola Davis-Doubt
Taraji P. Henson-The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Marisa Tomei-The Wrestler
Amy Adams-Doubt
Best Actor:
Sean Penn-Milk
Frank Langella-Frost/Nixon
Brad Pitt-The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Mickey Rourke-The Wrestler
Richard Jenkins-The Visitor
Best Actress:
Sally Hawkins-Happy-Go-Lucky
Kate Winslet-Revolutionary Road
Anne Hathaway-Rachel Getting Married
Meryl Streep-Doubt
Angelina Jolie-Changeling
(upsets-Emma Thompson for Last Chance Harvey & Kristin Scott Thomas for I've Loved You So Long)
Best Director:
Danny Boyle-Slumdog Millionaire
David Fincher-The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Gus Van Sant-Milk
Ron Howard-Frost/Nixon
Stephen Daldry-The Reader
Best Picture:
The Dark Knight
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Slumdog Millionaire
Stay tuned....
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Best & Worst of 2008
The Best (in no particular order):
Appaloosa: Based on Robert B. Parker's novel, this film tells the story of two riders (Viggo Mortensen and director Ed Harris) who are longtime friends. They soon become hired to rid the town of big baddie Randall Bragg played by Jeremy Irons (even his name sounds bad). Throw in 'lil lady Allison French (Renee Zellweger) and you've got yourself the makings of a threesome or at least some romantic entanglements. Harris did his homework and took more than a few notes from Clint Eastwood to fashion this nicely paced and suspenseful western.
Pineapple Express: This outrageous and shocking movie stars Seth Rogen as a process server who smokes some good stuff man and then witnesses a murder. He gets away but too bad he leaves the joint behind. These people are not even close to being the smartest tools in the shed (too many tokes?) but the film is funny and entertaining (not as funny as Superbad-another Rogen film) and there's never a dull moment.
When Did You Last See Your Father?:Boy is raised by a gruff, imperfect father; Boy grows up into man who resents his father; Father is diagnosed with terminal cancer; Man must come to grips with his feelings for his father. The cast is wonderful-Juliet Stevenson, Colin Firth and Jim Broadbent. Great acting and nicely directed.
American Teen: The focus is on four seniors in a small Indiana town. The trials and tribulations of being a high-schooler are brought into sharp focus through Hannah, Colin, Mitch & Megan. There's geeks, superbitches and everything in between in this eye-opening documentary. Plus, we get to see where they are now.
Wall-E: This animated film set in the way distant future tells of the love between a waste collecting robot (or Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-class) and an Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator and their trip to space together.
Son Of Rambow: This coming-of-age friendship tale is both heartening and depressing. Will is not allowed to watch tv or see movies but is great at expressing himself through his drawings. Once he meets school bully, Lee Carter, who shows Will the original Rambo film, the two embark on the making of their own Rambo movie which could be their undoing.
The Dark Knight: Damn! This had to be Heath Ledger's last film. Yes, his performance is over the top but it's also quite good. He's friggin' nuts! Christopher Nolan directs his second batman film (the 6th overall) and it's a rollicking good time. Starring Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart and Maggie Gyllenhaal this is a blockbuster.
Man On Wire: The engrossing documentary tells the daring feat of Philippe Petit and his attempt and, ultimate accomplishment, of crossing between the two towers of the World Trade Center on a high wire. The film is completely mesmerizing and entertaining with some breathtaking footage.
Burn After Reading: Two gym employees get their hands on what they believe to be secrets from the CIA and then proceed to extort money from the owner of the disc. The film's plot hinges on breast enhancement and features Pitt in one of his most entertaining roles to date. Shocks, blood and violence abound as this is a Coen brothers film. Be warned!
Gran Torino: Bigoted Korean War vet Walt Kowalski finds himself living next door to some people of the Hmong community and he becomes enmeshed within their lives after one of the family members attempts to steal his precious 1972 Gran Torino. Great story, wonderful character development and frickin' Clint Eastwood badder than ever!
The Booed!
Hancock: Yes, I'm dissing a Will Smith movie. A superhero falls into disrepute and a publicist tries to get him back on track so he can save the city. Not a bad premise but a terrible execution and a waste of a good cast. In addition to Smith, there's Jason Bateman and Charlize Theron.
88 Minutes: False advertising aside (the movie is actually 108 mins), this Al Pacino stinker has more holes than a piece of swiss cheese. Not to mention the ending can be seen before the opening credits are through rolling.
The Happening: Something in the air is killing people! Maybe it's bird droppings. M. Night Shyamalan has certainly fallen from the top of the ladder and now he's stuck in the mud. He needs a complete reinvention. What could have been a wonderful environmental lesson turned into a mishmash of a movie. It's not even scary or suspenseful. By the end, I was hoping that everyone would just die.
The Strangers: Another unsatisfying horror movie. This one is supposedly based on real events; although the veracity of said events is uncertain. The main inspiration is Helter Skelter, which is based on the Manson family murders. Two pretty people Kristen McKay and James Hoyt (Scott Speedman & Liv Tyler) are attacked in the Hoyt vacation home. The people wear funny Halloween masks and there's never any reason why they are hell-bent on torturing these two people. Why, man, why?????
The Ruins: Another horror film (this one based on a book that I thought was terrible). The premise is interesting, albeit far-fetched. Four friends head to Cancun and ultimately end up at the site of an archaeological dig in search of someone. What they don't realize is they won't be able to leave. Ever! No surprise ending on this one.
Wanted: Based on the comic book miniseries of the same name and starring Angelina "Lips" Jolie, Wanted is the story of assassins going all badass on each other. Another wasted cast; Besides Jolie, there's James McAvoy and Morgan Freeman. The ending was ridiculous but I will say this there are some kick-ass special effects.
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas: Another film based on a book, which I should have read before going into this depressing WWII set movie. It tells the story of two eight-year-old boys (one who's father is a high-ranking Nazi official; the other who's living in a concentration camp) who strike up a friendship and even play a little ball together. However, soon their friendship becomes dangerous. The film is directed nicely and the lead character, Bruno (Asa Butterfield) is very expressive.
The Secret Life Of Bees: A young white girl goes to live with three African-American women while searching for the truth about her mother in South Carolina in 1964. Based on the wildly popular Sue Monk Kidd book, the film doesn't translate very well and I'm not sure Dakota Fanning was the best choice for the lead character. Produced by Will Smith and his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, with a talented cast (Queen Latifah, Sophie Okonedo, Paul Bettany and Jennifer Hudson) you'd think with all that "power" the film would be a knockout. It wasn't.
You Don't Mess With The Zohan: Terrible, terrible and terrible. This movie was all over the place and wasn't even funny; just shockingly disturbing. Tired of fighting for the Israeli Special Forces, Zohan Dvir (Adam Sandler) fakes his own death and goes to America where he ends up as, what else?, a hairstylist who gives his customers a little extra sumptin' sumptin'. This includes Charlotte "Mrs. Garrett" Rae. Yecch! Ugh! My eyes will never be the same.
Cloverfield: What was billed as the first big and exciting movie of 2008 ended up being a dud. There were a few scary (not jumpy) parts but the monster in this thing was a huge (literally) disappointment. A creature attacks NYC and the only thing left behind is the video footage. Yes, it is reminiscent of 9/11 and, unlike other more talented social commentators, producer JJ Abrams doesn't say anything worthwhile in this film. Just for the record-the whole film is seen from the point of view of a handheld video camera. Shaky and unclear footage dominates the film and the stories of people feeling nauseous aren't just stories.
Looking forward to seeing what 2009 will have to offer....