Sunday, July 04, 2010

Acapulco-the rest of the story

So, the rest of the Acapulco trip was exhilarating, exhausting and very informative. I was lucky to attend some pretty awesome workshops which I am looking forward to sharing with the congregation. Now for the big review of Corpus Christi.

First of all, I remember hearing about this show when it first opened and hearing some controversy about it. A gay Jesus? Really? No wonder people protested it and it was such a flop for Terrence McNally. The original show cast all men...the tour cast we saw was both male and female which was very nice to see.

As the show opens, we see the characters being baptized and receiving new names (the names of the Apostles) and they briefly talk about their characters. The show follows the growth of Jesus (or Joshua as he is called) throughout high school, prom, adult hood and a very intense relationship with Judas Iscariot.

The show is done with no set, per se, very minimal props and lots of daring dialogue. I have nothing but high praise for it and I applaud all of the actors for their participation (not all of them were gay or lesbian or religious) and found the show hilarious, thought provoking, shocking (yes, shocking, even though I knew the story) and sad. I actually got teary eyed at the end. Not huge buckets of tears but just enough to have tears running down my face. The cast was also emotional as it was their final performance because they have no more money to continue touring. I think people should see this show if for no other reason then it will bring them out of their comfort zone and without that, growth is not possible.

