Wednesday, February 09, 2005

hump day


I know I'm late writing today but it's just been one of those days. More snow for Western NY. I just love treacherous driving. Thank heavens the week is almost over.

Ridiculous item of the day: The conservative group Focus on the Flintstones is trying to get the Flintstones tv show off the air permanently (I didn't realize they still aired it). Apparently, Fred and Barney are gay. They hang out together all the time, never wear pants and live in the town of Bedrock (think about the name of that town). And, according to the group, the outfits they wear when working at the quarry is reminiscent of the construction worker from the Village People. The group is also uncomfortable with fruity pebbles. I'm sorry but don't these conservative groups have better things to think about then whether or not two cartoon characters are gay or not? Obviously the president's 2.57 trillion (yes trillion) budget is low on their list of concerns. Well that's my rant for the day. Off to work.

More soon.......




Anonymous said...

Gone with the Flintstones? Oh dear! Now personally, I have always wondered about the sexual preferences of Andy & Barney???? Hhmm..... ~Donna

bronze johnson said...

please tell me you made that up