Thursday, February 03, 2005

rant of the day

Is it just me or are we living in the most uncivilized society in the world? What is with the parents of children who play sports. Yet another brawl erupted after a high school girls basketball game in Alabama. One would have thought that after the brawl last year after the Pistons and Pacers game, people would have gotten a clue that such behavior is unacceptable. Not only that, it is unhealthy and sends the absolute wrong message to our children.

One other note of interest (at least for me), Alberto Gonzales was confirmed as the first Latino Attorney General. While this is not surprising, I would like to commend the Dems who nayed his confirmation. After all, he was partially responsible for changing the rules of the Geneva Convention which in turn led to Abu Ghraib.

That's all for now. The weekend's almost here.

More soon.....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great commentary as always! I might add that as the very first WOMAN president of Noho Little League, you should see the the "Welcome to our Program" letter to parents. I am starting my own little ZERO tolerance policy against parental BS! I think there will be some pissed Dads, especially if a Mom boots them out!
