Saturday, April 16, 2005

sunny Saturday

I hope everyone had a wonderful Friday and you plan on enjoying the sunshine today. It looks to be another gorgeous day.

My video pick of the week (I don't think I had one last week, I must have seen all crappy movies last week) is The Woodsman. I didn't get a chance to see this last year before the Academy Awards and if I had I would have said then that Kevin Bacon should have been nominated for his role as a convicted pedophile trying to start over after being released from prison. This film proves that Bacon is very much underrated as an actor. FYI: He was also robbed of a nom for Murder In The First. The film is a bit too pedantic at times, especially one scene in which Bacon's character befriends a young girl and he sees the kind of abuse he has caused through her eyes and he realizes just how close to home the abuse hits. The film also shows just how difficult it can be for the pedophile to work their way back into society.

I can't think of anything ridiculous today except to be sitting at the computer instead of outside playing.

Enjoy YOUR day.


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