Tuesday, June 07, 2005

It's gonna be another warm one today but we did have a wonderful thunderstorm late yesterday afternoon. I like a good thunderstorm. Yesterday the cottonwood was flying around everywhere. It was all over the ground too and looked a bit like snow. It was a little annoying as I had the car windows open and it kept flying in my car and flying around me. I kept waving my arms trying to keep it away from me. I must have looked like I was having a seizure.

Jaw dropper of the day: I've heard of some strange things to bring through customs but this sounds fishy.....An Australian woman arriving at Melbourne airport from Singapore caught the attention of customs officials when they heard "flipping" noises coming from her waist area. Officials discovered, upon closer inspection, that the woman had an apron made out of plastic water filled bags and they contained fish. Fifty-one fish, all alive and tropical, were discovered. So far she hasn't been charged and no word on what kind of fish they are but this woman must have been BIG. Another five fish were found at her home. Whatever happened to just going to the pet store?

Enjoy your day and stay cool,


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