Wednesday, February 15, 2006

wacky Wednesday

Ok, so by Dick Cheney not coming forward sooner and deciding to keep the shooting incident quiet, he's unwittingly created a storm. No one should be surprised, however, because it's very consistent with the legacy of the Bush presidency. "Let's be shrouded in secrecy," "Let's not tell the American people, let's pretend it doesn't exist." He better hope Whittington doesn't die.

Saddam is really starting to irritate me. How dare he be more of a drama queen than I am. And now he's on a hunger strike; who does he think he is: Gandhi?

And speaking of drama queens, Zacarias Moussaoui is another one. He is now barred from the courtroom during jury selection because of his many outbursts. He left the court reportedly saying, "God curse you (to the judge) and America." He's calling the proceedings a circus. It seems the only act in this circus is him. Please!!! Just take your punishment and shut up.


p.s. Heart day is over and now we can all go back to being normal.

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