Friday, October 13, 2006

tube talk

I've only seen the first episode of season three of Lost; the 2nd one is on the dvr ready to watch. Based on the first episode, the question of, "Where did the polar bear come from?" seems to be answered. Seems to be. Kate and Sawyer spent part of the episode trapped in what looked like animal cages from a zoo. There are 3 things, in my humble opinion, that Lost really needs to focus on this season: Who are the others and how did they get there; what happened to Michael and Walt; and some cracks in loyalty between the others and some alliances with the members of flight 815. It's also a given that more answers must be provided. Jim doesn't watch the show anymore because he has it figured out and I think he might be right. He thinks the Others were born on the island as a result of the experiment that the Dharma initiative conducted. They are testing Kate and Sawyer to become one of them to see if they have what it takes. Since Kate and Sawyer exhibit a lot of anti-social behavior, they would be perfect others. Jim also thinks the others had a hand in causing the plane to crash as for how the others know all about the people of flight 815, that remains to be seen. Stay tuned......

And speaking of tv, the season is barely a month old and I've already dropped four shows from my MUST SEE LIST. I started with a record number and have since jettisoned Justice, Kidnapped, Heroes, and Six Degrees. Whew!!!



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