Friday, December 08, 2006

movie minute

Civilization Now: Mel Gibson is back and just as ambitious as ever. In his film Apocalypto (R), Gibson depicts the Mayan civilization as a world imploding and destined to start over. Ok, first of all, I really don't know much about the Mayan civilization so it would have been nice to have some sort of historical background or set up; a point of reference to guide me as the film started. Having said that, I find it hard to believe that the Mayans had the phrase "he's f****d" as part of their lingo.

In the film, a Mayan tribe is invaded (I'm guessing by other Mayans) and the hostages are taken off to be offered as sacrifices to the Gods. Supposedly the sacrifice scene is a political allegory about sending Americans off to Iraq for no reason. One Mayan, however, escapes. This would be Jaguar Paw, and yes, that is really his name. Jaguar Paw has a pregnant wife and son back at the camp that was invaded. Before he was captured he made sure they were hidden from the invaders. Now it's a race to get back to them before it's too late.

The first part of the film is very drawn out and on the verge of boring. The second half is quite exciting. While it has got to be one of the longest foot races ever filmed and mother nature's role in the film is clever, the action keeps going to keep one interested. While the second act is hopping, it should be noted that there are some scenes extremely gratuitous gore. Whatever happened to leaving things to our imagination?

The movie was filmed in Veracruz and it is in the Mayan language of Yucatec. Don't be scared off because of the subtitles, believe me you'll have no trouble keeping up. I did read one article in which one woman in a preview screening raised her hand and questioned the bloodletting of one of the tribesmen who is killed. It just so happened there was a doctor in the audience and he said that what is portrayed on screen is accurate. Gibson has obviously done some homework and is quite a talented director and this film surprised me by how good it was. It is long and it is drawn out, especially in the first half, but it's a better film than his Passion film. I almost didn't get to see the end. Right at the last 15mins of the film, the movie stopped suddenly (right at one of the big payoff scenes) and the emergency lights in the theater came on. The 20 of us, including me, who were in the theater were offered free movie passes. Thankfully there was another showing of the film that had already started. Several of us went in to the other showing and it was not too far off from where the first movie had stopped.

Apocalypto has been getting good reviews (from what I've read so far) and I have to agree. He may be a ranting and raving drunk (ouch) in real life but he sure knows how to direct a film.

Bags of popcorn (out of 5): 3.25

possible Oscar noms

Best Director



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