Wednesday, September 24, 2008

movies vs. tv vs. dvds...decisions, decisions

A year ago I did not have a Netflix account; I had heard of Netflix but didn't really have a great interest. That all changed at the beginning of the year. After getting a subscription, I discovered the joy of having up to four movies at a time (movies that I want to see) and not having to worry about returning them "on time". I could return them whenever I got around to watching them AND I could return them at any post office I happened to pass by. How utterly convenient!!! I' still enjoying my subscription and plowing through the movies at record speed. If I time it just right, I can have the brand new releases mailed on Monday and delivered on Tuesday. If I time it absolutely perfectly, I can have up to four new releases delivered on Tuesday.

Having said that, now I've got the brand new tv season vying for my time and this is the time of year when the movies that end up getting major Academy Award nominations start being released. The first one is Burn After Reading (I'm betting Pitt will get a nod for his comedic turn). I don't have to worry about ALL of the tv shows I usually watch because they will eventually be released on DVD and I could put those in my Netflix queue. How utterly convenient. Having said that, any relationship I'm in will be threatened because I HAVE TO SEE ALL OF THE FILMS NOMINATED FOR MAJOR ACADEMY AWARDS (Picture, Director, Actor, Actress, Supporting Actor & Actress); it's a must for me and anyone I'm with who doesn't understand that must be discarded. Ok, I'm not that cavalier about relationships but I'm pretty darn close.

So, how does a full-time working guy manage all of the media and men vying for his attention. Well, there isn't men but man and the man has to take a backseat. I'm sorry but I like my tv and movies.

This won't last long; only about five months until the Academy Awards air and then I can just focus on tv and wonder if I can time my dvd returns just right to get the new releases delivered before I see the bright red writing saying "Long Wait" or horror of horrors "Very Long Wait."

Enjoy the season because I know I will.



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