Monday, June 28, 2010

Acapulco Days 3-4

Sunday proved to be a very uneventful day. We did not leave the resort which was disappointing. Before I leave, I want to venture into the city at least once more. Now it will be more difficult because conference officially starts today (Monday).

On Sunday, we ended up going to the pool twice (no tan yet but I'm working on it). I'm surprised at how many non-natives just lie out in the sun for so long (of course having servers bring them food and drinks is nice) but it's not good. Have already seen a lot of burnt people. I cannot imagine burning and then having to get through a week long conference.

Rev. Lu and Maria (two women from our church) yesterday and Jim has been hobnobbing with all of his friends and colleagues.

In the evening, we had dinner (dos pizzas muy grande) and Debbie and I danced (sadly, or thankfully, depending on your perspective, no pictures were taken.) We were in bed shortly after nine.

More later.



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