Sunday, December 25, 2011

Poem: Revealed


My most private secrets…

My most intimate desires…

My deepest hurts…

My worst fears…

…things that have never been revealed are brought into the light.

New are the words I utter, words that have never, to anyone, been said.

With you, my ever glowing soul shines so very bright.

With you, my hungry and yearning body, is always well fed.

I see you just being and the sight of you takes my breath away.

The words that I hear you say have never been spoken to me before.

I find myself falling deeper and deeper in love with you each new day.

I discover that I’m wanting you so much more and more.



Old tapes…

…they creep up from time to time to try and make us lose focus.

But we know this is real; nothing fake here, no hocus pocus.

I am bound to you in every way I can be

You are mine and I am yours in every way.

If only you could view yourself the way my eyes see,

My love to you I pledge each and every day.

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