So, Isaac Hayes, the voice of the wise and suave Chef on South Park, has quit the show because of an episode that features Scientology. Apparently Hayes, who is a Scientologist, was offended by the episode and cited his reason for leaving as "intolerance and bigotry toward religious beliefs of others." What about all of the episodes that were offensive to Jews, Catholics, Muslims and just about every other group out there? Maybe Hayes should practice what he preaches a little more often.
In other news, Japan has a 5 foot, 2 inch robot called RI-Man (see photo above) who will be good news for the granny set. The robot has been designed to care for Japan's elderly. The acronym stands for Robot Interacting with Human and weighs 220 pounds. It can carry up to 77 pounds and has 320 pressure sensors. It can also recognize 8 different smells, including urine and can pinpoint sound. It's not quite ready for use by consumers, however, because it needs some brainpower. No word yet on whether the wizard will supply a heart.
peace out,
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