Saturday, March 04, 2006

weekly post from Feb. 25, 2006

Hello friends and loved ones,

Well I'm back after a hiatus last week. This past week has seemed to drag and today Jim and I did nothing all day long. We were going to have dinner with our pet nanny, however, at the time she was going to pick us up we got a brief snow squall and it looked like driving was going to be treacherous. It's always fun getting together with her, especially after we've gone on vacation because we get to watch her expressions as she receives her gifts.

Some of you may know that my new favorite show is American Idol. I really do like this show (although I'm wondering if they could possibly drag out the results show any longer? Oh! My! Gosh!!!!!! It's borders on torturous). Anyway, there's something to be said for going after a dream the way many of these singers are. It's not hard to tell the ones who enjoy what they are doing, who are talented, and who deserve to have their shot at something big. I don't think every finalist has their whole heart and soul in what they are doing and they may be better doing something else for which they have a bigger talent. I think we should all go after what we want instead of sitting around kicking ourselves and saying, 'Why didn't I do that? If only I had done this....' It would be terrible if we knew we had a gift or talent and did nothing about it. We don't want to be sitting around singing our "should have," "could have," "would have." Let's experience life and discover those things we have a gift for. I'm a firm believer that each person around us has at least one thing they are excellent at and can do great things with. I actually believe there is more than one thing, however, I'm not greedy. Ask yourself next time you are alone with yourself, "What am I really good at?"

I haven't felt compelled to blog this week and that's because I've literally been poring over the past winners of all of the critic's awards. I'm almost ready to put my picks of who will win Oscars out there and I'll be posting them this week. The big show is next Sunday and I'll be there front and center watching with (sometimes) bated breath. The one thing I have to say about predicting the winners of the little gold man is this: There are little tricks to use to make a good prediction, however, there is no sure fire way to be sure each prediction is correct. Short of asking all 6,500 members of the Academy who they are voting for, that is. Anyway, if you have a prediction (not who you want to win but who you think will win) feel free to let me know and I'll tell you if I agree. This is the only awards show that I truly enjoy watching and the only one I watch every year. I know, I know, many people don't like the Oscars and many times they get it wrong but in the past few years they've gotten it right more times than not. No awards show is perfect and no one is ever going to agree with every pick but that's what makes our country so great. Freedom to choose! Oh, I'm starting to get all patriotic; where did that come from?

peace out,


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