Wednesday, March 23, 2005

another cold day

It's hump day and it's still cold. What a surprise!!!! And to top it all off there is talk of more snow (another surprise).

Not much new to report today, another day, another day.

Ridiculous item of the day: A film about volcanoes on an IMAX screen sounds rather exciting. However, if you live in the South, in Texas, Georgia, or the Carolinas, you won't be able to see it. The film makes reference to a connection between human DNA and microbes inside undersea volcanoes. It seems people in the south don't subscribe to evolution, rather they believe in creationism. The film may upset those people so it won't be shown in those (and possibly other) southern states. Damn Southerners; spoken like a true Texan (which I am).

That's all for today. Enjoy your day, wherever you are.


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