Tuesday, March 15, 2005

no title today

Another cold day here in Western NY; not a big surprise. The sun feels nice, however, and the days have the "look" of spring to them. Not too much longer and some of us will be complaining how hot it is.

Ridiculous item of the day: Talk about silly souvenirs; how would you like a man-hole cover? No? Well they are apparently big in China. Around 240,000 (yes, thousand) man-hole and street drain covers were stolen in Beijing last year. The covers are stolen and then sold as scrap for a mere two dollars. Big business those man hole covers and we thought homeland security was big. Beijing is experimenting with new covers that are made of non-metal materials and have no recycling value. The theft of the covers is described as rampant.

That's all for now. More later..........


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