Friday, March 11, 2005

Friday blog

Hello from Western NY,

Week 2 of March is almost down and only a little more than two left (yes, March is one of those long months) and spring is STILL not here. Luckily, for us, we didn't have the major snowstorm that was predicted (our Williams weatherman sure does like to alarm people). For some reason, the fact that Easter is coming had me thinking about when I learned there was no Easter Bunny (or, no Paul, there isn't an Easter Bunny). I remember I was 7 years old and I was talking to my mom and somehow the subject of Santa Claus came up. She told me she and dad were Santa Claus and she then told me they were the Easter Bunny & tooth fairy too. I don't remember being upset or shocked, just kind of taking it in stride. That's my childhood memory for the week.

big deal? I would like to meet the person who originally came up with the idea of putting tv shows on dvd. That's an idea just short of genius! I spent the week watching the ESPN series Playmakers. It was on last year and cancelled because the NFL thought it portrayed their league in a negative light. Yes, I watched all of the episodes thinking, 'I'm sure that ALL of the football players have lives like this.' It's a freakin' tv show, get over it. I know (and THIS is really scary) there are people out there who can't distinguish between reality and fantasy but every show portrays something negatively. Let's just cancel tv. And by the way, the gay character I heard about was lame (and a secondary character at that).

ridiculous item of the week: Stop me if you've heard this one: A man in Cranberry, Pa, walks into a convenient store intent on holding the place up. He walked in, wearing a mask, walked up to the counter and caused the clerk to burst out in laughter. His choice of mask: a Pluto mask. The clerk was laughing so hard that he couldn't (or wouldn't) do what the robber wanted. He obviously didn't have a weapon otherwise the clerk may have been laughing out of his a**. Eventually the robber left the store; no doubt in extreme frustration and humiliation. Police Sgt. Dave Kovach thought that even though the clerk foiled the robbery, his actions were dangerous and ill-advised. No word on whether or not the robber is holed up with Goofy (ooooh, buh dum dum).

Quote of the week: "My biggest weakness is my sensitivity. I am too sensitive a person." Mike Tyson talking about his character flaws. Right, he's sensitive and I'm the next Queen of England.

That's all for this week...........Until next time, stay safe, stay happy, and stay healthy.



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