The end of the week is finally here and the heat wave has subsided. It's a bit cooler on this Friday evening, the weekend before Independence Day. One of my favorite things about living in the country is seeing all of the fireflies during the summer. At night I can go out, stand in the middle of the road, and see hundreds of fireflies. If I stand still long enough I'll see them very close to me. It's something I never seem to tire of.
I for one am tired of hearing about Tom Cruise. Yes, I'm going to see "his" movie this weekend, however, that's because it's Steven Spielberg and I like Spielberg and I think the film might be good. I've never been a fan of Tom Cruise. While I've seen his movies, I don't think he's a great actor. Has he had some good roles, yes. I've only seen a couple of movies with him in which I thought HE was really good. The films he's been in have been good but very rarely have I singled him out. Anyway, I think he has some good points about psychiatry and medication, they can be dangerous. At the same time I think he is extreme in his thinking. With many other things in life those things can be helpful or dangerous. I for one found psychiatry very beneficial. And anyone who goes on any drug should know what the side effects are, that's just being smart. I wish he would just give it a rest already. I myself am done.
Jaw dropper of the day: I'm taking this on faith that this is real but the ugly dog contest was held in Santa Barbara, CA and the winner is truly hideous. The 14 year old Chinese crested dog has now won the contest three years in a row. Sam, as he's called, is so ugly that the judges allegedly recoiled when the dog was placed on the judge's table. The only hair Sam has is a yellowish-white patch on his head, he's blind and his eyes look like alien eyes, and he has Austin Powers teeth. Last year after Sam won a large crowd of people gathered for him at a local parade. His meals include cheese balls, sirloin steak, roasted chicken and for dessert some flan (which hides his pills). Susie Lockheed, the owner, shocks people when she kisses him. You can look at the pic for yourself and see how truly ugly this poor dog is.
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