Saturday, July 23, 2005

O Canada Day 2 Cont. and Day 3:The beginning

I forgot to mention that after our fabulous dinner last night the waiter thanked us and as we were leaving he actually shook our hands. It was strange and neat at the same time. When we returned to our hotel after dinner, Ryan, the concierge was still working and we thanked him for treating us to dessert. The view of the mountains from our hotel room is simply incredible. We're off to breakfast now and then to hear V. Gene Robinson preach.

More later,


By the way, not to put a damper on the vacation but I was remembering that while we were at the airport in Chicago we did a lot of walking. People seemed to be aiming for us and acting like we were invisible. It's unbelievable how rude many people are. It got to the point where Jim DID NOT move out of anyone's way. He made them walk around him. Ok, I'm done bitching.

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