Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The heatwave is almost over, I think. It's supposed to cool down later today and be cool (er) tomorrow. Whew!!! Thank heavens for AC. I like it and make no bones about it. I cannot imagine not having it in this weather we've been sweating in.

My Oscar video pick of the week is a film that won 76 years ago, at the third Academy Awards. All Quiet On The Western Front tells the story of German soldiers during WWI and how the war affects them. I have to tell you I wasn't sure I'd be able to sit through this movie. The sound wasn't good (thank heavens for subtitles) and it starts out really slow, taking its time to build the story. I don't think I've got short attention span, however, I've definitely been in the fast paced world a long time. I forced myself to watch and I'm glad I did. Some highlights of the film are the scene in which the wounded soldier is being visited by some of his comrades and he realizes that one of his legs has been amputated. Another one is the scene in which one of the German soldiers kills an enemy soldier and he starts talking to the dead soldier realizing that they are both men, both human, both fighting, for what? It's a powerful film and if you can sit through a film made in the late 1920's definitely check it out. The director also won the directing award.

Enjoy your day,


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