Monday, August 08, 2005

The Evangelical Lutheran church has their assembly in Florida starting today. The big vote will be on whether or not to ordain gays/lesbians. How wonderful it is to be in a denomination where that is not even an issue.

Peter Jennings has died of lung cancer at the age of 67. A Toronto native, Jennings had his own show at the age of 9. The announcement that he had lung cancer had only come back in April. Behind Tom Brokaw, Jennings was my 2nd favorite evening anchor.

Jaw dropper of the day: According to Los Angeles city officials the sign of a strip club is not against the law, however, Toys R Us has been contacted and they will be looking into whether the name of the strip club violates the trademark of their store name. The strip club, called the Century Lounge, has a new sign out in front of the building that says Vaginas R Us. Buoyed by the popularity of the Vagina Monologues, the owner, Howard White, says he is only advertising his business. I guess with a sign like that there's no question what his business is.

Enjoy your day,


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