Saturday, August 20, 2005


It's a glorious Saturday and it feels good to be alive. Enjoy the day, do something different and tell someone you love them. Oh, no I sound like a Hallmark card, ugh!

Ok, I'm tired of hearing reporters call Dennis Rader the so-called BTK killer. The police caught him, he admitted to the killings, he IS the BTK killer. Enough said.

Jaw dropper of the day: In Richmond, California, at least six officers were caught on a security camera helping themselves to drinks in a closed Mrs. Fields store. The police were at the Hilltop Mall after a security guard caught two burglars who were trying to open a gate to a jewelry store. The police searched for the burglars then poured themselves some beverages from the cookie store. The management caught the footage on the tape from the security camera. A lawyer representing the officers said, "A couple of them were (dehydrated) to the point of desperation."

Enjoy your day,


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