Friday, August 26, 2005

Ok, I'm officially sick of driving through Geneseo. When I first moved to the area, Geneseo was busy as it is a college town but there was no Enterprise, there was no Cingular, there was no KFC and Taco Bell, there was no Aldi's and there was no Tim Horton's (which just opened). There was no road across the street from Wegman's and now there is a road and as if one Wal-Mart wasn't enough now they have to build another one; a Wal-Mart Super Center. Heaven only knows what's going to go into the old Wal-Mart building. From now on I will NOT drive through that town unless I'm dying and there's a hospital there and it's the only hospital that will take me. I'm so glad I'm no dramatic.

This Oscar business is really starting to become an obsession. I like the Oscars, a lot. Not only have I channeled my inner nerd and memorized all of the winners of Picture, Director, Actor, Actress, Supporting Actor and Supporting Actress but now I'm watching all of the films that won one of those awards that I've never seen. I went to one of the big libraries in the city today and checked out four movies that I had never seen that were major Oscar winners of some sort (two of which I really don't want to watch because they are musicals but will anyway). It's almost like I'm taking a college course. Which isn't that far off since I took a couple of film courses in college. I saw three other older movies I had never seen that I wanted to see but denied myself because they had nothing to do with Oscar. One of those movies was the original The Ladykillers with Alec Guinness and Peter Sellers. Peter Sellers is the main reason I wanted the movie. Ever since I saw him in Being There I find myself wanting to see some of his other work; besides the Pink Panther.

Well I hope you are enjoying your Friday. I am and now I'm going to turn on and tune in.


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