Friday, August 05, 2005

I can't believe I have to work tonight. Usually I have Friday nights off, however, a girl on my team wanted off tonight to attend a wedding and I agreed to work for her. The benefit to me: She'll be working for me on Sunday night. Yippee!!!!

I wrote about Six Feet Under in yesterday's posting and I just wanted to add a few more comments. Thankfully the last few episodes will not feature Nate and Brenda as a couple. Personally I think that ship ran its course a long time ago. I think they did a really nice job turning around the relationship between David and Keith and I really wish they would do something positive with Ruth, the matriarch of the family. How whiny and negative she has become!!!! I think she needs an affair with a really hot, macho, masculine and hairy Italian. One who will lay with her for hours just talking and then give her a role in the hay she won't soon forget.

One more thought for today. I'm hoping the confirmation hearings for John Roberts go smoothly. Jim has said from the beginning that he has a good feeling about the Supreme Court nominee and I tend to agree with him about Roberts. Now comes word that he once helped a gay rights group overturn a ruling in Colorado that allowed gays to be excluded from housing and jobs. I'll bet the Christian Conservatives are loving that. If one reads a record of some of his most popular cases and rulings one would see that he's not a radically right as people may think.

Enjoy your day,


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