Saturday, May 07, 2005

Are you outside enjoying the weather? It's a beautiful day. I was outside mowing and my spouse and I did something we had never done before. We both went outside and sat in the grass and watched the birds at the bird feeder. It was fun, enjoyable. In a bit we'll be taking a little hike at Letchworth Park.

I watched the first season of Dynasty. It recently came out on dvd and I wanted to watch how it all started. I remember growing up I got hooked on it somehow; probably my mom or my grandmother (my grandmother did watch Dallas so it's possible I first saw Dynasty with her). Anyway, I remember when I was 11, the show had been on for a few years, and on Wednesday nights I would sneak out of bed and turn the tv on (thankfully there was one in my room) and watch on Wednesday nights. I'd have the sound turn down to low so my mom and stepdad wouldn't hear and if I heard footsteps or something I'd turn the tv off real quick. I really liked watching Krystle and Alexis and their many catfights. The first season was bland and many characters spent most of the season just moping. Krystle wasn't like I remembered her, Blake treated her like a servant and she didn't really seem to carry any weight within the family. Maybe that was just the first season. The character of Fallon was a real witch and "Alexis" (really just a woman who was meant to look like Joan Collins) didn't come onto the scene until the final minute of the final episode of season 1 and wasn't introduced until season 2. Even the theme of the show was a bit different during the first season. I'm looking forward to season 2.

Jaw dropper of the day: Dennis Kozlowski, the former CEO of Tyco, during his trial for securities fraud was asked about an omission on his 1999 tax return. Kozlowski neglected to claim on his return a $25 million dollar bonus and then stated at his trial that he didn't notice it was missing from the return. Oh, come now, how ridiculous is that?

Enjoy the rest of your day,


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