Thursday, May 26, 2005

Good morning,

Another glorious day with the birds surrounding us with their song. Picture me as Julie Andrews standing outside in my front yard twirling and twirling and singing. Now wouldn't that be a sight!!!!

Exxon Mobil has passed on protecting GLBT people in their non-discrimination policy. For the 7th year in a row sexual orientation will not be included in the policy. 29.4 percent of the shareholders voted in favor of including sexual orientation in the policy, the highest percentage so far. The company used to have the sexual orientation provision but it was rescinded in 1999 when Mobil merged with Exxon. It is the only Fortune 50 company not to include orientation in its primary non-discrimination policy.

Jaw dropper of the day: The season finale of Lost. The episode started off well enough; with a bang in fact as one of the characters literally blew up mid-sentence. It was exciting, suspenseful and full of action, however, the ending gave us nothing and offered us more questions than it had already answered. What a disappointment. I haven't watched the finale of Alias yet, however, I'll be grading all of the finales for the season (of the shows that I watch anyway, I can't watch everything, sadly).

Enjoy your day,


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