Wednesday, May 04, 2005

It's been downright chilly overnight here in Western, NY. Right now it's 32 degrees but this weekend it's supposed to get up into the 70's. Finally a warming trend.

Disease of the week: Don't worry, it's nothing I have or anyone I know has. Huntington's Disease is a degeneration of brain cells in a certain area of the brain. It is genetic and as of yet there is no cure but there is treatment to control it. The symptoms are emotional disturbances, loss of intellectual faculties and uncontrolled movements. Why am I talking about this disease? Because before last weekend I had never heard of it. Last weekend we rented a terrible movie called Darkness (I only rented because it had Anna Paquin, the girl from The Piano). Anyway, one of the characters in the movie had Huntington's Disease. Fast forward to a couple of days ago when I started reading a book called Saturday and one of the characters in the book has Huntington's Disease. Then this morning driving home from work I heard about a guy from Oswego, NY, who died while climbing Mt. Everest. He was trying to raise money for awareness for, you guessed it, Huntington's Disease. How funny is life?

Jaw Dropper of the day: Picture it: You're in your car, waiting in line at the drive through and from behind you hear someone yelling at you through their window and then you hear the words, Bitch Communists. That's what happened to a couple in Columbia, South Carolina, while waiting in the drive thru line at McDonald's. Apparently the guy was offended by the bumper sticker on their car that read, Another Christian Against Bush. And yes, HORROR OF HORRORS the couple was a lesbian couple. But the guy behind them didn't know that, all he saw was the bumper sticker. Not satisfied the guy caught up to the couple a few minutes later on the Interstate and proceeded to tailgate them for a few miles before finally turning off. I've seen some bumper stickers I didn't like and that I wanted to rip off but I've never had that kind of reaction. Some people just can't control themselves. And some people are just SCARY!!!!!!

Enjoy your day and check your rearview mirror (HAHAHAHAHAHA.....evil laugh)


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