Thursday, May 12, 2005

Oh my gosh it's so cold!!!!!! It's really just the wind that is cold but the sun is out and the birds are feeding and singing. I've been experimenting with my digital camera and trying to get some pics of the birds. I got a few and a little later I'll try to get some more. The biggest problem I'm having is keeping the camera steady when I get ready to shoot.

Jaw dropper of the day: Jesus Christ is alive and well and living in West Virginia? Yes, it's true, although he's not the same one as the J.C. who died on the cross. The man born Peter Robert Phillips Jr moved to West Virginia and attempted to get a driver's license in the state with the name Jesus Christ. He was refused despite the fact that he already has a US passport, social security card and Washington license bearing the name JC. His birth certificate from Florida provided the snafu; it has his birth name. Phillips attempted to legally change his name in 2003 but was rejected in a court of law because taking the name could "provoke a violent reaction or significantly offend people." Phillips's lawyer argued that his client had already changed his name 15 years earlier and has been using the name "without incident." Why all the hassle? Phillips, um, I mean Christ wanted to express his faith and love to himself, um, I mean to Jesus. It's all so confusing. If he wants to express his love to the son of God why doesn't he just wear a cross or carry a rosary?

That's all for today.


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