Monday, May 30, 2005

It's the start of another week; let's remember to be kind to those we claim to love, do at least one nice deed every day, and take a second each day to enjoy nature. Smell a flower, watch a bird, gaze at the sky, or do all three.

Jaw dropper of the day: Houseguests won't leave? Set your home on fire or do what a man in Illinois did and set your mother's house on fire. Dean Craig, from Geneva, Illinois, did just that when two visitors he had at the home refused to leave. Craig started the fire by igniting rubbing alcohol that he had splashed on the floor. Craig had asked the two visitors to leave and when they refused he threatened to start the house on fire. Were these visitors from The Sopranos? What ever happened to calling the police or just showing them the door? It's a much better idea to just torch the house I guess.

Enjoy your day today,


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