Thursday, April 13, 2006

I'm Back

You may have heard by now that Katie Couric will leave the Today show in May; good for her. I know several people who don't like her but I've always enjoyed watching her. She will anchor the CBS Nightly News, Walter Cronkite's old stomping grounds, and also report on 60 Minutes. Many of Couric's detractors want to paint her as mean or diva-ish and lump her in with other successful women such as Martha Stewart and Rosie O' Donnell. Unlike Rosie and Martha, I don't believe that Katie should be compared with them. She may have her diva moments but if I were in her position, I would certainly channel my inner diva from time to time. Not only that but she's certainly not greedy; she took less money to go to CBS than what NBC was going to offer her. As for whether she can report or not, I think people forget that before she was a Today talker, Couric was a reporter for CNN and a pentagon correspondent for NBC. She can hit the hard news just as well as fan the fluff. And for those of us who enjoy watching the Today show won't have to choose what to watch because now Katie will be on in the evening. I think the ratings of CBS Evening News will rise once Katie starts reporting; how long that rise continues remains to be seen. I do think that a woman news anchor is just what the news world needs right now; I think it's the right time. I do want to know this, however, why didn't NBC tap Ann Curry to replace Katie? She's already on the show and she would be a perfect replacement. Meredith Vieira? Puh-leeze!

peace out,


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