Sunday, April 17, 2005

It's another beautiful day in Western, NY. Went to see a film called Dear Frankie yesterday. It's about a mother whose son writes to his sailor father and she writes the replies (as his father). The trouble is when the ship that his father supposedly sails on comes into port she has to find a sailor to be the boy's father. It's a sweet movie and raises the questions how far do you go to keep the truth from your child about your real father? I must be getting soft in my "old" age.

Ridiculous item of the day: After 5 years and 272 tries, a 70 year old man in Seoul finally passed the oral part of the driver's test. Illiterate, he used the test to teach himself the rules of the road as he could not read a manual. Now he prepares to take the driving part of the test. LOOK OUT!!!!!

Enjoy your day


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