Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Why do we spend so much time and energy focusing on negative things? Why do we constantly look to be offended? Why do we let fear run our lives? Do any of us know for certain that we'll come back reincarnated? If anyone knows for a fact please let me know, otherwise let's live life to the fullest because wouldn't it be awful to be on our deathbed thinking: What if/I should have/if only........

Ridiculous item of the day: My thanks to my friend Mike for bringing this to my attention. A 20 yr old Lyons, NY, man was caught in the act. The residents of the home that the young man was staying at got an eyeful when they caught James R.J. Abbott bent over being "made love to." That wasn't the shocking part; he had the family's Rotweiller on top of him. He confessed and was charged with sexual misconduct and is scheduled to return to court. If found guilty, Abbott will have to register as a sex offender. He said he wanted to see what being made love to by a dog was like. No word on whether the dog, Keystone, will have to register as well BUTT he may not go back to being with other dogs, instead preferring humans. I can almost hear the wedding bells.

That's all for now.


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