Thursday, August 17, 2006

this & that Thursday

Word of the week: Macaca. Noun. Meaning? It apparently has several different meanings, several of which are considered derogatory. Virginia Senator George Allen greeted an American born male who was of Indian descent with this word. Later, after Allen apologized, he stated he was trying to combine the words mohawk and caca. Yeah, caca is a lot better.

And the big news this week has been that more people know who the 7 dwarfs are than the Supreme Court justices and many people think the only Homer is the dad from The Simpsons. Illi what? Who's Odyssey? Below is an excerpt of a 1999 interview of future President George W. Bush.

Interviewer: "Can you name the President of Chechnya?"

Bush: "No, can you?"

Interviewer: "Can you name the President of Taiwan?"

Bush: "Yeah, Lee."

Interviewer: "Can you name the General who's in charge of Pakistan?"

Bush: "Wait a minute. Is this uh, is this uh, is this a 50 questions? The new Pakistani General has just been elected, he's not elected, this guy took over office. He appears he's gonna bring stability to the country and I think that's good news..."

Interviewer: "Can you name him?"

Bush: "General. I can name the General."

Interviewer: "And it is?"

Bush: "General."

Bush (later): "Uh, the new Prime Minister of India is um, uh, no."



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