Wednesday, October 25, 2006

election eggs

The political ads are heating up and getting nasty; nastier than ever it seems. Rush Limbaugh did apologize to Michael J. Fox (but not without saying Fox is exploiting his disease). Limbaugh mocked Fox on his radio show by making the jerky movements Fox made in his ad supporting stem cell research. Limbaugh said that Fox was acting and exaggerating the effects of the Parkinson's disease that Fox has. We all know what an expert on prescription drugs that Limbaugh is. He's been arrested for drug prescription fraud and having prescriptions that didn't bear his name. There's also a really nasty ad in Tennessee between two Senators. Black candidate Harold Ford is on the receiving end of the Republican National Committee's (RNC) ad with some characters facetiously supporting Ford. One woman says she "met Harold at the playboy party." The character is white. She later winks to the camera and says (to Harold), "Call me." The Republican candidate, Bob Corker, is white. Corker denounced the ad and the RNC, after originally standing by the ad, has since pulled it. Are there no longer any candidates who don't stoop to sewer levels to get their point across? These people are Americans (they could be our neighbors) and they are disgusting.


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