Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Rant of the week

Sen. Bob Packwood has done it; Patrick Kennedy did it after he crashed his car earlier this year; Ben Affleck has done it and Matthew Perry did it while he was on Friends. First Lady Betty Ford did it after her stint in the White House. Now Congressman Mark Foley has done it amidst allegations that he emailed and sent text messages that were sexually explicit to house pages (not to be confused with house boys; that's something entirely different). So what is IT? Checking oneself into rehab for substance abuse. Foley has admitted he is an alcohol problem and he is gay and he was molested between the ages of 13 and 15. The rehab cure all (stay there until the next round of celebrity rehab). I'm not saying that drug and alcohol abuse isn't a problem; I've no doubt that it is. It causes people to do shameful things and destroys lives. What I am suspicious of is the multi-purpose rehab for people in the public eye. I mean, really, are these people going to rehab for real help or to make themselves look better? It just seems too convenient. Got a problem? Check yourself. Molested your neighbor? Go to the Serenity Spa/Rehab Center. It's too bad there's not a stupid rehab clinic for people who do ridiculous things such as driving under the influence while on the way to In-And-Out Burger (paging Paris Hilton).



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