Tuesday, November 14, 2006

weekly post from November 12, 2006

Hello friends & loved ones,

It's a cold, wet and raw morning here in Western, NY. It rained yesterday too and while I wish it would stop raining, at least it's not snow. I keep asking, "Is it summer yet?"

We had regional conference last weekend and coming back to "normal" life and going back to work is difficult after such a high at conference. It was nice with so much good news this past week. Not only did the Democrats gain control of both houses but that yelping noise you hear is the Pentagon door hitting Rummy on his way out of the building. Yes, Rummy is out and Robert Gates is the nominee to takes Rumsfeld's place. Some other good news (in the gay world): 51% of Arizona voters decided to smack down a proposed state ban on same sex marriage. How shocking and wonderful is that? Not only that but Mexico City will recognize gay civil unions. While it's not marriage, it does mean that same sex couples will have the same inheritance and pension rights that heterosexual couples have. It approved 43-17 with 5 abstentions. Now if we could just get rid of Karl Rove.

If you aren't watching Countdown With Keith Olbermann, I'll make a case for it again. It's on 5 nights a week at 8pm and midnight and features the days top 5 stories with the sarcastic Olbermann. Journalists and political figures make their appearance and the oddball segment (it features some strange news stories from around the world) are often jaw dropping and the daily worst persons in the world are often downright unbelievable. Check it out. It's informative and entertaining.

And one final thought: Is there something in the air that is causing animals to run amok? Last week a 600lb bull was captured (after 10hrs) in a NJ parking lot and this past week an 8 point buck entered a Targay, oops, I mean Target and ran around the store for about 20mins. Let's watch out for our 4 legged friends.


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