Wednesday, September 24, 2008

He's OUT, so what?

Clay Aiken, American Idol's 2003 runner-up, has finally confirmed the long swirling rumors that he is gay. On the heels of the birth of his son, Parker, Aiken has said, "I cannot raise a child to lie or hide things." The quote is from an interview that appears in the latest issue of People magazine.

That's quite a difference from what he was saying a mere two years ago when asked about his sexuality, "I don't really feel like I have anybody to answer to but myself and God and the people I love."

That's all well and good but he waits until he's no longer "hot" to drop this "bombshell." It would have been more daring had he come out while he was still on American Idol. But then again, it really wouldn't have been much of a surprise, would it have been?



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