Sunday, August 14, 2005

Another Sunday and the start of another week. Here's a question for you: Does the week start on Sunday or Monday? Interesting........

I have an additional comment for the film Heights, which I went to see yesterday. The best line in the movie came from a character at a party discussing the casting of the three witches in Macbeth. The women of choice: Laura Bush, Lynn Cheney and Martha Stewart. Can you imagine? I wonder if people would line up to see it.

There are a couple of songs out right now that I'm really enjoying. Collective Soul has a song called Better Now and it's quite happy and bouncy. I have to crank it up whenever it comes on. Another song I'm really enjoying is a Christian song called If We Are The Body by a group called Casting Crowns. I really like that name and the song is an upbeat song. Not the sort of Christian song many people may be used to.

That's all I feel like writing today. Enjoy your Sunday.



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