Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A deliciously cool day here in Western, NY. According to the weatherman though the humidity is supposed to come back. It doesn't matter because August is on it's way out and September will soon be here with fall not too far behind.

Jaw dropper of the day: Talk about having a driver's license from a cracker jack box. An 86-year old woman in Minnesota has been ticketed for reckless driving. Pauline Lillian Meyerhoff of Goodview, Minn, decided to drive down a busy, crowded street on Sunday afternoon. The problem: She drove right through a parade. Driving her red cadillac (surprise, surprise, why do so many elderly people want to drive Cadillacs?) she turned down the town's main drag and almost plowed down adults, children and a gymnastics team. And instead of stopping or at least slowing down, Meyerhoff sped up (now that's a GREAT idea) and got up to speeds of between 35 and 50 according to the police chief. Fortunately not long after she arrived at her home, a policeman also arrived and ticketed her. The police chief explained that Meyerhoff was very upset at being ticketed when the law wasn't enforced to keep people out of the street while she's trying to drive on it. I think it's time to start calling a cab.

Enjoy your day,


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