Thursday, March 02, 2006

Real Recommendations

Here are some things I recommend. These aren't necessarily new releases but things I've heard or read recently that I really liked.

Song: "What If" by Nichole Nordeman. This is the quintessential how- do- we- know -Jesus- exists-if-we-can't-see-him song for the 2000's. The song is from her Brave CD and once you get past the lite FM sound of the song and focus on the lyrics, the theme of 'just because we can't see it doesn't mean it's not there' really hits you.

Book: CS Lewis's The Screwtape Letters. Letters written from one evil spirit to another and the finer points of tempting a "patient" (or mankind) with the darker side. It's well written and will make you think.

CD: More Life by a christian group called Newsong. Bouncy songs, ballads that aren't syrupy and listening to the title song, you'd have to be dead to not wanna jump up and down.

TV: The Amazing Race: It's hard to believe this show is on its ninth season, however, it doesn't lack for adventure and excitement. The bickering is as nasty as ever. This show is a good reason not to go on vacation with your best friend, spouse, etc......

peace out,


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