Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The tv show House is into its second season and it is arguably the favorite show of my spouse and I. We recently watched all 22 episodes of Season 1 within the span of a week and one of the things we enjoyed the most was House's crabbiness and harsh British put downs/humor. I'm happy to report that all of those things are still front and center in the second season. We also like how the show tries to fake us out with who will be the patient of the week.

I saw Joan Rivers on the Today show this morning and is it just me or does she look permanently ready for Halloween? She has had so much done to her face that she really looks as if she is wearing a mask. It's amazing she tries to smile and make expressions with her face but it's just like stone. It wants to move but it doesn't; it can't.

I was going to write about my Oscar video pick of the week but I'll do that tomorrow. I didn't see anything worth writing about last week.

Whatever you write about today.....enjoy.


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