Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Nuke you. No, nuke you!: Two women at a Florida Walgreen's got into it over who was going to use the microwave first. The two women, Mellesia Grant and Merloze Tilme (stage name or real?) didn't get along to begin with. They were in the break room and started fighting over who was going to heat up their cup of soup (I made up the food item although it could have been that). That's when Grant went ballistic and stabbed Tilme in the abdomen with a large knife. Don't people know you're not supposed to leave knives lying around like that. Very dangerous. Anyway, the two women began wrestling for control of the knife and each cut their hands until finally the store manager broke it up. Detention both of you!!!! Tilme is expected to recover while Grant was charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. Say it with me people: Knives don't stab people, people stab people with knives.

It's still raining in Western NY and has been almost non-stop for the past two days. Thank you Wilma. In NJ there's flooding and Florida is cleaning up. And there's still a month left in hurricane season.

Hope you are staying dry and warm.


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