Saturday, July 08, 2006

Just a junkie

I've become quite a news junkie in the last year and a half. I buy my news magazines every week and when I have a chunk of time during my run-run-run and go-go-go life, I read the online news and veg out in front of Headline news. Sometimes I just don't have the luxury of just sitting and reading what's going on in the world. So I started looking for a news show I could watch every day that wouldn't take up a lot of time and would still keep me current in the world. Then I heard (I don't recall from where) about the "best news show on tv." Wow! Sign me up for that. Turns out it's on MSNBC and it is factual, humorous, and informative. Countdown With Keith Olbermann presents the news and not the rhetoric and Olbermann's smarmy sense of humor is just what the doctor ordered especially when listing the worse people of the day or dissing Bill O'Reilly or Ann Coulter (dubbed a hysterical Coultergeist by Olbermann). Olbermann counts down the 5 biggest news stories of the days and offers commentary and guest pundits. I think the show is just wonderful and Olbermann, a former ESPN sports caster can kibbitz with the best of them. It's worth checking out if you have MSNBC. It's on Monday through Friday at 8 and again at midnight.

peace out,


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