Sunday, May 22, 2005

The big news this weekend: Star Wars and Saddam's underpants. Yes, Saddam does wear briefs as witnessed by the pics of him in The Sun and New York Post and all over the news. And Star Wars is the number one movie of the weekend; duh!!!

Jaw dropper of the day: A NYC man was saved from burning up by some special liquid. A wheelchair bound Vietnam Vet, Francis Abrams, was riding the subway when some teens set a plastic bag, attached to the wheelchair, on fire. The flames then spread up to Abrams's jacket and could have burned his entire body. However, two women, one with a baby, doused the flames. One woman doused the flames with a bottle of water, the other woman, who was carrying a baby, doused them with a cup of freshly pumped breast milk. The man was saved and officers confirmed the fire was put out with breast milk. The teens, thankfully, were later caught.

Enjoy your evening,


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