Thursday, June 16, 2005

A bit gray and rainy today but at least it's cooled down. We had a bit of a hot spell there, whew!!!

Big surprise on Terry Schiavo's autopsy (NOT!!!!). Of course it showed that she died of dehydration due to her feeding tube being removed and that she was blind. The widely seen tape of Schiavo seeming to smile and follow her mother's voice is not what it seems. Those actions, smiling and moving the head are automatic responses and do not prove that she was aware of her surroundings. Also her brain had shrunk to half the size it should have been. Personally I think the parents should just let it go once and for all. One would think that after 15 years there would have been some sort of closure.

Jaw dropper of the day: If you happen to move to Frankfurt, Germany, and decide to work at Wal-Mart then feel free to flirt while you work. A court in Germany ruled that employees can flirt with other employees while working. The clause that banned "any kind of communication that could be interpreted as sexual" was found by the court to contradict German labor laws. Pretty soon the employees will be allowed to flirt with the customers as well. We here in America never do that (right!!!!).

Enjoy your day,


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