Monday, June 20, 2005

The rain is finally gone and the sun is back but the humidity and heat has not returned with the sun. I never tire of watching the birds at the feeder. They seem to be so busy these days, even more so than winter when food was scarce.

Poor Tom Cruise, he just can't get a break. He was in London for a premiere of War Of The Worlds when a man, posing as a journalist, put a microphone in Cruise's face as if he was going to interview the star. Then the microphone squirted water in Cruise's face and Cruise called the guy onto the carpet (the red one they were standing on, it was a premiere). He called the guy a jerk and said he was giving the guy an interview and he goes and does something nasty. The guy was part of a television crew filming a sketch for a comedy show for Channel 4, a publicly owned station. The last time that happened, to Sharon Osbourne, she took a bucket of water and dumped it on the interviewer.

One more note today: Many of you may know that Jennifer Wilbanks, the runaway bride, will be giving her interview to Katie Couric tomorrow night. New reports have come in now saying that while in Las Vegas Wilbanks was seen playing blackjack. She even went so far as to ask people at the blackjack table for money. She allegedly said she would soon have lots of money. Anyone thinking that Wilbanks is not getting paid for this interview, think again. In order to secure the rights to the story, NBC has paid her to give the interview and get the rights. MMMMMM I wonder if her husband was in on this.

That's all for today.


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