Friday, July 15, 2005

The Emmy nominations were announced yesterday and while I am not a fanatic about the Emmys (like I am the Oscars) I do like to know what's nominated and who wins the major awards. It's nice to see some new blood in the Emmy noms. Desperate Housewives, House, and yes, Arrested Development. Of course old stand-bys such as West Wing and Six Feet Under are still there. I really like Arrested Development and was very happy it won the Emmy for best comedy last year. I caught season one on DVD. I'm just not able to watch it on Sundays because there are too many other shows on and we don't have Tivo, yet. The most noms went to Desperate Housewives and Will & Grace; both got 15 noms. I'm sure they'll each win at least one. The awards will be presented on Sept. 18. I probably won't watch but will catch up on the winners.

Jaw dropper of the day: Here's one for the stupid criminals record book: A woman in Brussels was arrested for shoplifting in a sports clothing shop. The woman was apprehended by police and was found to be wearing more than 10 pieces of stolen clothing. As summer temps soared into the high 80's, the woman kind of stuck out like a sore thumb with her bulk. Doesn't she know one is supposed to look bulky in the winter not the summer.

Enjoy your day,


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