Tuesday, July 05, 2005

It's another sultry day. It was in the 90's here yesterday and we're supposed to get some rain (finally) today and tomorrow. Well Independence Day is over for another year yet we should continue to remember those who died while fighting.

Jaw dropper of the day: Many of you know that NASA fired at a comet. The size of the projectile was the size of a refrigerator. Damn, I guess that means they can't film Armageddon Part II. Anyway, one woman in Moscow is calling the explosion an attack on the "holy of the holies." Yes, Marina Bai is suing NASA for about 8.7 billion rubles (that's 300 million US dollars). Bai, an astrologist, claims that the explosion of the comet will upset her horoscope and that it violates her spiritual rights. She originally tried to stop NASA from shooting at the comet but the court would not hear her case. A higher court did intervene but by then it was too late. I guess it just goes to show you, anyone can be sued, even NASA.

Enjoy your day,


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