Sunday, July 24, 2005

O Canada day 3

We had another fabulous day in Calgary. Surprisingly, people are really friendly, eh? The temps have been wonderful, in the 60's, and delicious (yes, my spouse really does say that).

We got to hear Bishop V. Gene Robinson preach this morning. Jim had heard him once before and I really listened to his sermon objectively, throwing out Jim's opinion; he wasn't impressed. I liked what he said, however, he didn't say anything really profound and he was not a powerful speaker; I wanted more from him. I'm really really glad I had the chance to hear him preach and how cool that he wanted to preach at an MCC conference.

Most of the workshops I attended today were good and we had dinner at a nice Italian restaurant; we even ate outside. It wasn't as nice or classy as Hy's last night but the food was good and Jim thought our waiter was family (he thinks everyone is family).

I can't believe it's already Saturday night. Where does the time go? We are going on a day trip to Banff on Monday, I'm really looking for to it.

Well, we have to find a restaurant for dinner tomorrow night; we are taking the church's alternate lay delegate and his partner out to dinner. We may even walk to the train station at some point. Not to ride the train but just to look at the station. How queer is that? Well, duh, it's par for the course.

Have a nice evening,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great trip. What is it with you two and flight troubles??? Hawaiian deja vu?
love, ~D